Chapter 5 and 6

February 13, 2012 by · 3 Comments 

When you think all the ways you can socialize by using Facebook, its crazy! You can chat with somebody, write on their wall, poke them, or play a game with them. Now when your playing a game with somebody it does a lot of things for you and the other person. It brings back your relationship with that person if you haven’t seen them for awhile, or keeps a relationship going. It is also nice to be competitive with your friends. It is also more fun because your not just only talking to somebody you are engaging into a game with them. You are having fun and connecting with each other. Now if you win this game you will feel a lot of pride because you beat your friend and also if they don’t respond to the game request or don’t make their move for awhile then you will learn to have patience. Games are a great way to reconnect with somebody without formally greeting them. It is much easier to just invite them to a game instead of say “hey, how have you been?”.

Halo is a great game. It has certain goals that you will do anything to reach, and once you do you feel like your on top of the world. That why these games sell so well. They make gamers feel more connected to the game by doing things like the 10 billion kills club. I know when I feel more connected to a game and am doing good in a game I want to play it non stop.

Tim Tebow- The Truth

December 9, 2011 by · 1 Comment 

This article about Tim Tebow surprisingly is not one that is bashing him. Tim Tebow has been in the center of many arguments whether it is his poor play at QB or his straight forward mentality. This man is a man of heart that doesn’t care what people think of him and he is going to go out and play for his team and the Lord. He will get in someones face and tell them if they are doing something wrong. I love Tim Tebow and how he portrays his love God and how he is a winner. I don’t care if he is a “bad” QB and can’t play in the NFL, he is a winner and if he wins games, then I would want him on my team. This article proves a great about about Tebow’s personality, if you hate on him, he isn’t going to fire back at you and make it into an argument, he is going to take what you say and know that he can prove his haters wrong. Tim Tebow is a fighter and gives his all to his team and to the Lord. If you need proof he a winner just look at what he has done through his career but ultimately look at what he does for other people.

The End is Here

December 6, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

This first semester has flown by in my book. I can’t believe how fast it has gone and that we are already down with the first semester. But I want to talk about a little about what I have learned this year in religion, it has been a journey with a lot of new information and ways to look at religions. Coming from a Christian high school I new about what religions were out there, but I never new what they were are really actually about. This class as helped me form knowledge and not to judge other religions just because out views may be different.  All religions have some different views, but then also most religions have somewhat of the same belief system as others.

Goddess Pilgrimage

November 10, 2011 by · 3 Comments 

I dont even know where to really start on the this blog about the reading for today. The Goddess pilgrimage that some of the ladies take is crazy, the have to be some of the most dedicated women I have ever read about. It is very interesting in how the relate tourism and the pilgrimage together, so not only are you doing holy things, but you get to see sites that some people may never see. Something else that is crazy to take in I think is the whole embodying thing withe the sacred structure and to the people that where there before them. All of this is ust mind blowing that the journey’s people will take and how much they get involved and change from going on one of these pilgrimages.

Rhetorical Situation

November 9, 2011 by · 5 Comments 

I think the most important thing in a religion is being dedicated to it. What I mean by this is making sure you practice what your religion does. If you are going to join a religion the worst thing you can do is just act like you are apart of it, you actually have to do the practices and make sure you are a hundred percent in and not acting.

In being dedicated to a religion, I believe that the audience is everyone who is apart of a religion or acts like they are. The people need to realize what they are practicing and make sure it is what they want their religion to be. It all starts with finding out facts about other religions and then going with the one that fits best with your morals and inner self.

The problem that needs fixing is making people aware of the many religions in this world today. In order to say your in a religion, I believe it is good to know what else is out there so you can prepare yourself when someone asks you about other religions and you can support your answer because you have some knowledge about other religions. Being dedicated is hard for people, because some people just want to wear it on their sleeve but not actually live it out.

One of the biggest obstacle’s you may face in living out a religion is being tested over and over again. This could be hard to face if you are unsure of your religion and what it is all about, but if you live out your religion and are dedicated it you will have a better understanding of it and be able to face some of the tough settings you may be in.

Why did I Choose to go to a Liberal Arts School?

October 31, 2011 by · 3 Comments 

Personally, I didn’t choose to come to Morningside because of the school or what it was all about. I chose to come here to play football, and whatever the schooled had to offer I would take. It sounds pretty lame that I didn’t look at what the school had to offer or what the school was all about. The one thing that I really looked at was if the school offered what I wanted to go to school for. That was the finalizing thing for me and why I chose to come here. I couldn’t really tell you a whole lot about the school and its back round and or what Morningside is about. I never really looked into all of that, I talked to my dad and he said it was a very good school and I believed him and that is as much I remember ever hearing about this school.  I wish that I would have taking this more serious when I was deciding where I was going to school, it would have helped me know what my school is all about and what their main focus is on. It would have been neat to know the history and why this school is a liberal arts and why it focuses on the things it does. Ultimately football brought me here and that the whole school thing came along with it, now I understand school comes first but if it wasn’t for football I wouldn’t be here.

Non-Western Religions

October 20, 2011 by · 2 Comments 

This week in class we started to talk about religions that we aren’t use to learning about. One thing from our lesson on Tuesday that I thought was interesting was the whole idea of karma. Now I get where karma comes from and how people believe in it and want to do good deeds so they don’t get a bad reputation, but since we aren’t perfect we will all have some type of bad karma. So if you believe in karma then their life will be different than one’s who doesn’t believe in karma. If you believe in karma you will take it very serious and not mess around with it and try to do as many good deeds as possible.

Another thing that I found interesting is three gods of Hinduism, Brahma who is the creator, Vishna who is the preserver, and Shiva who is the destroyer. When we were showed the pictures of the gods I thought it was interesting how the pictures all related to what they were. It is neat how the created a god that shows the relations through a picture.


October 6, 2011 by · 1 Comment 

Today in class we discovered what a pilgrimage was kind of like. It was sort of fun to get out and actually act out the hajj. I think it was interesting on how organized it was. It shocks me that they have waiting list for things like this and everyone wants to be apart of it. That just seems unreal. With doing this I will be able to remember it a lot easier. The steps to the pilgrimage aren’t that hard to remember since we acted them out. With doing this it will make it easier to apply it when the exam comes around.


Also we talked about Judaism and Islam and what they were all about. I think its really cool how we just don’t scan over them quickly and we take time to look in depth with them and figure what they are actually all about.


September 29, 2011 by · 6 Comments 

Judaism is a religion of its own, there are many different things that go into the being a part of the Jewish religion. What really amazes me is all the laws and things that the Jewish people have to go by. I don’t think I could ever live the lives they live with all the rules. The one rule that really bothers me is the Kosher rules that say you cant eat this food, or dress that way. Also another thing that bothers  me is  that some Jews live more closely to the rules than the others. I know this goes for the same in Christianity, but I see Jews taking things more serious and more to heart. Judaism is one of the oldest religions and has been the setting stone for many of the others. I cant wait till we get into more of the religions and see how much the differ or are alike.

Unlikely Disciple

September 23, 2011 by · 1 Comment 

Unlikely Disciple was very good I thought, it brings a good view of what we are going through in our transformation to  college. To see all the things that Roose goes through to make his transition is kind of like what we had to do. We had to leave our comfort spot and go out on our own for the first time in our lifetime. This book shows us some of the challenges we might go through if we ever decide to transfer to a college, it may not be to the extent of what Roose went through, but it would go along those lines.


This book also really helped me put in perspective of the two models of pilgrimage we are going through in class. When we split the two pilgrimage’s up and sat down and and figured out which one was better than the other, it really helped me understand how to find the things we need to. Overall my view on the book is a good one, I’m glad we had to read this book because it helped me understand how important God really is in a college kids life, and how everyone goes through changes in life.

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