
Today in class we discovered what a pilgrimage was kind of like. It was sort of fun to get out and actually act out the hajj. I think it was interesting on how organized it was. It shocks me that they have waiting list for things like this and everyone wants to be apart of it. That just seems unreal. With doing this I will be able to remember it a lot easier. The steps to the pilgrimage aren’t that hard to remember since we acted them out. With doing this it will make it easier to apply it when the exam comes around.


Also we talked about Judaism and Islam and what they were all about. I think its really cool how we just don’t scan over them quickly and we take time to look in depth with them and figure what they are actually all about.

About Kyle


One Response to “Hajj”
  1. James Wright says:

    I think it was nice to get outside to see it hand to hand. Get to act it out and not have to just sit in class and talk about it. It was nice to go outside and take a couple of minutes and go though the stages. I cant believe the waiting list either I think it was 7 to 10 years for the waiting list. I feel the same about learning in a different way and see it and acting it out now the class understands it and will remember it.

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