
April 25, 2012 by · 8 Comments 

I think that Aboujaoude says it all, now I know not all people are like what he said, but the majority of the people that are addicted to the internet be come what he is saying they become. The internet is a terrible place, there are so many things that you can do to get yourself in trouble, it is an easier way to get stalked. The internet has made a huge impact on peoples lives today and its taking there life in the wrong direction and Mcgonigal isn’t helping the cause. With her trying to create new games to push people in life and make sure they aren’t getting bored with their’s, thats awesome! But to have people sit on the internet or in front of a T.V. screen and waste their life playing pointless games that will get them no where in life, those aren’t the type of people we need in our society today. Once an adult gets addicted and raises there kids to be just like them it is only going to trickle down to other generations. With the way society is becoming surrounded by technology, it isn’t good for us because technology will take over our lives and we won’t know how to act like a normal person anymore. People need to be aware of what the negatives are to playing such games and watch out for the generations to come. I think that motivation is great to keep people going, but there are better ways to do this than make people sit in front of a screen and say look at me I’m making virtual money and have having sex with virtual women. That isn’t what this world needs to become. I am scared of where the society is going to take us and how people are going to change and lean more on video games than anything else.


April 18, 2012 by · 1 Comment 

At the Palmer Symposium today I went to a speech that had to do with the behind the scenes look at plinko. This speech was given in the Lincoln Center by three young students of Morningside College. As the students started to give their speech you could sense a little bit of nervousness from them, but I thought they handled it very well. The speech was about the probabilities of Plinko and if where your dropped the the Plinko chip at the top of the board affected where it would end up! I thought it was very interesting that the students could go about figuring out such problems and if there was a certain spot to drop to when the most amount of money! In fact if your drop it in the middle of board you have the best chance to win the big dollars. The students showed graphs to prove what they where saying was true. The feel of the room was calm until the speech was over and they asked if there where any questions. There was two men in the back right corner of the room that stepped up to ask questions about the students project. The students recovered quickly and answered the questions correctly I believe. Overall I thought it was a good speech and  I was impressed on how each on of them held their composure.

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