Goddess Pilgrimage

November 10, 2011 by · 3 Comments 

I dont even know where to really start on the this blog about the reading for today. The Goddess pilgrimage that some of the ladies take is crazy, the have to be some of the most dedicated women I have ever read about. It is very interesting in how the relate tourism and the pilgrimage together, so not only are you doing holy things, but you get to see sites that some people may never see. Something else that is crazy to take in I think is the whole embodying thing withe the sacred structure and to the people that where there before them. All of this is ust mind blowing that the journey’s people will take and how much they get involved and change from going on one of these pilgrimages.

Rhetorical Situation

November 9, 2011 by · 5 Comments 

I think the most important thing in a religion is being dedicated to it. What I mean by this is making sure you practice what your religion does. If you are going to join a religion the worst thing you can do is just act like you are apart of it, you actually have to do the practices and make sure you are a hundred percent in and not acting.

In being dedicated to a religion, I believe that the audience is everyone who is apart of a religion or acts like they are. The people need to realize what they are practicing and make sure it is what they want their religion to be. It all starts with finding out facts about other religions and then going with the one that fits best with your morals and inner self.

The problem that needs fixing is making people aware of the many religions in this world today. In order to say your in a religion, I believe it is good to know what else is out there so you can prepare yourself when someone asks you about other religions and you can support your answer because you have some knowledge about other religions. Being dedicated is hard for people, because some people just want to wear it on their sleeve but not actually live it out.

One of the biggest obstacle’s you may face in living out a religion is being tested over and over again. This could be hard to face if you are unsure of your religion and what it is all about, but if you live out your religion and are dedicated it you will have a better understanding of it and be able to face some of the tough settings you may be in.

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