Why did I Choose to go to a Liberal Arts School?

October 31, 2011 by · 3 Comments 

Personally, I didn’t choose to come to Morningside because of the school or what it was all about. I chose to come here to play football, and whatever the schooled had to offer I would take. It sounds pretty lame that I didn’t look at what the school had to offer or what the school was all about. The one thing that I really looked at was if the school offered what I wanted to go to school for. That was the finalizing thing for me and why I chose to come here. I couldn’t really tell you a whole lot about the school and its back round and or what Morningside is about. I never really looked into all of that, I talked to my dad and he said it was a very good school and I believed him and that is as much I remember ever hearing about this school.  I wish that I would have taking this more serious when I was deciding where I was going to school, it would have helped me know what my school is all about and what their main focus is on. It would have been neat to know the history and why this school is a liberal arts and why it focuses on the things it does. Ultimately football brought me here and that the whole school thing came along with it, now I understand school comes first but if it wasn’t for football I wouldn’t be here.

Non-Western Religions

October 20, 2011 by · 2 Comments 

This week in class we started to talk about religions that we aren’t use to learning about. One thing from our lesson on Tuesday that I thought was interesting was the whole idea of karma. Now I get where karma comes from and how people believe in it and want to do good deeds so they don’t get a bad reputation, but since we aren’t perfect we will all have some type of bad karma. So if you believe in karma then their life will be different than one’s who doesn’t believe in karma. If you believe in karma you will take it very serious and not mess around with it and try to do as many good deeds as possible.

Another thing that I found interesting is three gods of Hinduism, Brahma who is the creator, Vishna who is the preserver, and Shiva who is the destroyer. When we were showed the pictures of the gods I thought it was interesting how the pictures all related to what they were. It is neat how the created a god that shows the relations through a picture.


October 6, 2011 by · 1 Comment 

Today in class we discovered what a pilgrimage was kind of like. It was sort of fun to get out and actually act out the hajj. I think it was interesting on how organized it was. It shocks me that they have waiting list for things like this and everyone wants to be apart of it. That just seems unreal. With doing this I will be able to remember it a lot easier. The steps to the pilgrimage aren’t that hard to remember since we acted them out. With doing this it will make it easier to apply it when the exam comes around.


Also we talked about Judaism and Islam and what they were all about. I think its really cool how we just don’t scan over them quickly and we take time to look in depth with them and figure what they are actually all about.

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