Unlikely Disciple

Unlikely Disciple was very good I thought, it brings a good view of what we are going through in our transformation to  college. To see all the things that Roose goes through to make his transition is kind of like what we had to do. We had to leave our comfort spot and go out on our own for the first time in our lifetime. This book shows us some of the challenges we might go through if we ever decide to transfer to a college, it may not be to the extent of what Roose went through, but it would go along those lines.


This book also really helped me put in perspective of the two models of pilgrimage we are going through in class. When we split the two pilgrimage’s up and sat down and and figured out which one was better than the other, it really helped me understand how to find the things we need to. Overall my view on the book is a good one, I’m glad we had to read this book because it helped me understand how important God really is in a college kids life, and how everyone goes through changes in life.

About Kyle


One Response to “Unlikely Disciple”
  1. Your blog is amazing dude. i love to visit it everyday. very nice layout and content .    

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