The News About the News

Ted Talk:

Oh yay! Another Ted talk. I remember reading somewhere last year that nobody watches Ted talks. Rather, that they just play in the background while people do something else. I remembering being one of those people. I’m pretty sure I’d still be apart of that group if I had wifi at my house. Although since I am sitting at a Starbucks with nothing other to do then my homework. I’ll pay a bit more attention.

That was the fastest 4 minutes of my life.

Basically the news about the news is that people care about overseas news, but news reporters don’t report it. From the video I learned that: “News networks removed 50% of their oversea stations and that covering Brittany Spears is cheaper.” Getting news online isn’t reliable either and that a lot of it is just retold stories. Also people get alot of their news from the local news. Although it isn’t surprising that the local news only covers 12% of overseas news. People are interested, its just no one covers it. People say college grads know less about the world becuase they are not interested. Rather the percentage of college grads who are interested has grown to over 50%. The news about the news is that everything costs money.

Hot in Here

I’m sitting on the floor in my own sweat. My super skinny jeans are clinging to my legs, not because they are super skinny jeans, from the sweat. I can feel the sweat forming on my forehead and then reform as I wipe it away. I feel it rolling down my back and soaking through my tank top. The arms of my sweater are rolled up to my elbows, but that doesn’t help much. Underneath my sweater, I’m sure my tank top is just drenched. The humidity in the place is crazy. I don’t know how they do it. Yet I find comfort in it. Not sitting in my sweat, but rather just being in this particular area.

Not that this place is pleasant by any circumstances. It’s actually the last place I feel comfortable in. It reminds me of my days as Monte the Mustang. The room is loud, everything echos: the boots of the set-up crew, the slamming of the door, the bounce of the balls, not to mention the sound of the generators. I can’t even hear the guy sitting right next to me. Plus, I’m sure my butt is stuck to the floor.

Even though I’m complaining about all of this. I really don’t mind. I like it here and what I do.

“Diane! C’mon!”

I’m already sweating up a storm. What’s a little more sweat?
I love my MAC Family~

Hello Girl?

Actually! This is fairly new, its from last night! I’m Asian. Hello Kitty is in my blood. I took my senior pictures with Hello Kitty. I love Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty is my life. Ehhh, kinda of a bit of a stretch,  but I do want to go to Japan and visit Hello Kitty World. Its on my bucket list. So, when this popped up on my Facebook newsfeed last night. I learned that my life is a lie and I refuse to believe it.

Hello Kitty isn’t a cat at all, but rather a girl.

In the article this girl was putting together a Hello Kitty exhibit and when she verified with Sanrio, Hello Kitty’s company, they corrected her and said: “She is not a cat, but a girl.” Continuing with how she doesn’t do cat things, she doesn’t walk on all fours, she does everything as a human would, and she has a pet cat. It’d be weird for a cat to have a pet cat, Hello Kitty is a girl. That fact is very interesting, but I refuse to believe it. If you wanted someone to be a girl, why make them a cat? I’m okay with believing the lie that Hello Kitty is a cat, who only acts human. Just not a human girl.

News Article:

I’m Starving

Describe the last person I talked too before I came into class:

I was leaving psychology class with my friend Carlie. We were talking about the weather and softball practice. I said hi to Connor as we kept on walking and then I left for Lewis Hall. I stared at the flight of stairs above me. Hoping that by the end of my four years here, my legs will look awesome! At the third floor of Lewis Hall I sat down in one of the chairs knowing that the class in here before my Journalism class wouldn’t be over and then I smelled it!

“Good morning.” she said.

“Morning!” I replied taking a glance at her cinnamon bagel, which I would’ve learned later. It was Dominique.

She asked me what I thought about my video production class and I told her that besides I hate the fact that its at 6:30pm-10pm. I thought it was pretty awesome, but how did she know I was in that class? Plot twist! She’s in that class with me. I then asked her how to link other people’s blog to mine, but she wasn’t sure either. Honestly, I don’t remember much of that conversation, but Kayla did come over to join us. We then talked about Dominique’s new puppy and then she showed us a picture. It was adorable. Eventually, it was time for class to start.

Here we are.

JB vs. Paramore

I love music. When I say: “Music is my life.” I literally mean Music is MY life. I don’t play music, I used too, but I was never awesome. Music brought me to where I am today. It keeps me sane and makes me happy. So, a lot of my news article may be music related, but maybe I’ll actually keep up in the real world. Music news is just more entertaining to me.

Another old article, but in this article, Justin Bieber (JB), is accused for stealing Paramore’s Riot! album cover. His publicists say that it was all coincidence, but Paramore fans would like to say otherwise. Also, if he didn’t steal Paramore’s album cover why was it removed from his SoundCloud page? Nonetheless, it was some beef that Paramore came back with by copying Justin’s Believe cover as a joke. Instead of Justin on the cover with ‘Believe’ it was Hayley Williams, the front woman of Paramore, on the cover with ‘Ain’t it Funny’. Eventually it all blew over and everyone probably learned a lesson from this. Just as stealing someone’s writing isn’t cool. Neither is stealing someone’s album cover.

News Article:

Lucas Zimmerman Leaves Paradise Fears!

It’s definitely not big news. Definitely not national headline news either, but the night I found this out. I was a complete wreck for a solid week. A bit of an exaggeration, but maybe three days tops. I just know that my sister was out of town and I declared a family emergency. What happened was the drummer of Paradise Fears. My all-time favorite band and musical crush. Lucas Zimmerman has left Paradise Fears.

Happened a while ago, but news is news. Maybe next time I’ll do a bigger and much more current event. According to his good-bye Facebook post on Paradise Fears’ page, he has decided to quit the band to go to college. After his many adventures around the world from touring with the band. He decided that he would like to better the world, being the awesome selfless guy he is. He had decided to go to a technical institution to be able to find a way to purify water in third world countries. In the long run, Lucas Paul Zimmerman dropped out of high school to join a band and then dropped out of the band to save the world.

Congrats, Lou! You’ll go far. We all have #LouToBelieveIn

News Article:

Tips for Writing for the Web

I love how everything about this is short and simple. I also think that’s what drew me towards Journalism. I like things short and sweet. Yet I dream to be a well-known author. I like that there’s a time and place to take my time with my writing, like with my stories. Yet there is another time for me to write short and to the point, like with journalism. Just like with these tips, sweet and to the point with no reason to drag on. The information is given and then the next piece of information is given. Awesome. Makes having to read things for class much easier. If only things were always this way.

Cappon: 79-94

I’m a writer. I’ve known that being an author is what I’ve wanted to do since the 8th grade. I just added journalism, just in-case being an author didn’t work out. I always thought that there was going to be a large difference between fiction writing and journalism. Yet, the more I get into this class and participate, the two really aren’t that different at all. One just requires straight fact, while the other is a mix of fact and fiction. After reading this, I realized that the two aren’t that different from another after-all.

The same rules apply to creative writing as it does Journaling. Like: If a scene doesnt need detail, don’t add them. It doesnt matter what color her phone is. Unless something is out of the ordinary, dont bother adding it. I learned that details are important, but if there are too many details it gets too wordy and confusing. A quote from the reading is: “Color is a way of seeing a story. Color shouldn’t make the story, but add to it.” Meaning to me that color adds to the picture, but its alright black and white.

After reading this, I honestly didn’t learn anything new. It only went into depth of what I already knew. It was interesting to read and I’m sure it’ll come in handy someday, but I didn’t learn anything new. It just emphasized that we shouldn’t use many cliches or metaphors in journalism because everything is old and overused. Just as that is not allowed in journalism that isn’t allowed in creative writing either.

ALSO! This made me laugh, pg. 88 it said: “You’d find fewer cliches in his [Red Smith] copy than there are snakes in Ireland.” I’ve been to Ireland and multiple times they told us that there are no snakes in Ireland. There aren’t alot of things in Ireland trying to kill you. You have a better chance of stepping in horse poop or getting hit by a car on the streets of Dublin, then you do getting bitten by a snake. So, just reading that sentence made me laugh because there are supposedly no snakes in Ireland. Meaning if there are fewer cliches in his book then there are snake in Ireland. There will be no cliches in his book.

Obit: Facts


If we didn’t have facts to rely on, what would we believe in?

Mary says: “We’ll never agree on anything.”

I think she is right. If facts don’t exist, what kind of world would we be in? Even with existing facts, things don’t exist. Let me explain, if i said the sky was blue and another said it’s ever changing because it’s not just blue. Sometimes its gray, sometimes its blue with white spots, and other times its orange, red, and yellow. The fact is then that the sky is ever changing, but it is also blue.

Anything and everything can exist. So with that being said. Even with facts existing, some people still think their opinion is correct. If we lived in a world with no fact and fact was just opinion. Where people tell me my opinion isn’t right and I argued that there’s isn’t right either. Nothing would be right and everything would be unsolved.

Why is there an article about facts? It is what it is. I understand questioning the world. I do my fair share, but why question what we already know. Turning our thoughts into some fake fact, which is actually a lie. Although it makes sense to us, then it is truth. Facts could be taken as lies and lies could be taken as fact. Facts aren’t dead, they help keep the world somewhat together and sane. Everyone has an opinion and something to believe in. In the end though, something does exists that everyone will see as the same and that is what we can believe in.

Meet Rachel!

Rachel Eisenbraun is from Rapid City, South Dakota and is a Senior here at Morningside College.

She came to Morningside because she was recruited to play soccer. She decided to come to M’Side because it is not South Dakota. While all of her other class mates went to a school in South Dakota, she came to Sioux City. She is a photography and graphic design major here and is unsure with what she wants to do with it. She says that just as long as she can get a job traveling and taking pictures to advertise for a company, she’ll be more then happy.

Rachel loves to travel. She went to Italy her senior year of high school and just last year traveled once again to Europe. This time visiting: England, Ireland, and Wales. Between her classes, picture taking, soccer practices, and everything else this awesome girl does, she loves to read. Rachel likes to read a lot of different things. She is currently reading the Divergent series and is a HUGE Harry Potter nerd.