by Kiki Bennett–Schitt’s Creek was created by the comedic genius of Eugene Levy and his son, Daniel Levy. The show follows the Rose family, whose riches turn to rags. The family is forced to move to Schitt’s Creek, one of their last remaining assets, which was bought as a joke. The family moves to Schitt’s Creek and quickly finds that the town inhabitants are much more boorish than the posh and privileged that they are used to.
News / December 4, 2024 Morningside’s Stangsgiving Event Draws Praise
By Gabriel Ruiz – Stangsgiving is Morningside University’s annual event where students, staff, and faculty join for a Thanksgiving meal. It provides the campus at large with an opportunity to come together and share a meal as well as look back on the year as we move forward into the holiday season. Students were eager...