Oct 27 2022

Profile Image of Marnix

Media Comparison/News comment #8

Posted at 9:47 pm under News Articles

One killed in Italy stabbing attack, soccer player among 4 wounded

This morning in Italy, a man had grabbed a knife and stabbed 5 people, killing one person and wounding the other 4. Among the wounded is Arsenal defender, Pablo Mari who is now on loan in Italy.

I found a video on Sky Sports and text on CBS News. Looking at their leads they were very similar, which is no surprise since the most important part here is the fact that 1 person died and 4 wounded. The video directly started with this fact, while the text started by saying that a man grabbed a knife from a shelf in a supermarket who then acted.

Another difference in the lead is that the video does not contain the fact that an arsenal player was involved in the stabbing, while the text did include this. The video mentioned the Arsenal player for the first time after talking about the suspect which had been arrested. After that however the reporter goes on about the soccer player for a longer period.

The stories do not have the same content as the text goes further into detail on the event itself. The text also talks more about Arsenal’s reaction on the incident. The video is shorter in general and talks about Pablo Mari for a longer time. They even mentioned a quote of the wounded player, showing that they had different sources. The text attributed a text from Arsenal’s social media page, something that is not possible in a short video.

The role of audio and sound was clearly visible here since the reporter was Italian and English was clearly not her first language. She made a couple of grammar mistakes while talking as well as being not perfectly understandable. Listening to the video did make it feel like she was more involved in the incident. More urgent and more emotional.


Text source:


Video Source:


One response so far

One Response to “Media Comparison/News comment #8”

  1. fuglsangon 30 Oct 2022 at 8:29 pm 1

    Yes, I was going to mention that the Sky News reporter was not a native English speaker, which did affect how she delivered the news. I can’t say for sure it affected the content.

    Your comments about her emotions are interesting. She does seem to be emotionally involved in some way, but I’m not sure how. The Sky Sports story is much more focused on Mari. It is a sports network.

    Both stories seem to focus more on Mari than on the man who was killed.

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