Story 2 Reflection

            My article number two project actually turned out to be a fun project. My interviews were very insightful, and I enjoyed learning the opinion of other people regarding the Big Ten Conference resuming football in the fall season, it was quite interesting.

            I think that the most concerning part of this assignment by far was deciding who I should interview. Finding people with different sporting backgrounds and preferably different opinions was a tough task, but I was happy with who I was able to interview.  There really was not a huge effect in regard to my writing process due to this, and I don’t think I would have changed anything after I went out and had some pretty good interviews.

            Most of the revisions I made were just to clean up my paragraphs. As I have revised more and more writings, I have found it easier to tell what information does not necessarily need to be in the paragraphs and what I can take out without losing any info. With that said, the most major revision I made was in a quote from Collin Hill (last paragraph), where instead of using one giant quote from him, I spread out the entire quote throughout three sentences to make it seem like less of a run on. I think this gives the paragraph better flow and just seems smoother overall.

            The process I spent the most time with was interviewing people during this article. I interviewed five or six different people, but only used the three that I thought were the best in my article. Everything else was rather smooth.

            I think the best strategy I learned was going out and actually interview people and become more personable when interviewing. I think it is a lot easier now, especially when people know I am interviewing for a class. It will be a lot easier moving forward to interview people.

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