Greta Thunberg Summary

Greta Thunberg is a 15 year old girl from Sweden, who is speaking on behalf of Climate Justice.

Her speech starts by saying that most people think that Sweden is a small country that does not matter, but she has learned that you are never too small to make a difference. Greta does not care about popularity or what people think about her, she just cares about the planet.

She claims that people are being ignorant and stealing the future lives of children like her, saying that this is a crisis and it can’t be solved unless it is treated as such. She says that we cannot ask world leaders to care, because they will continue to ignore us, and it is up to us as people to solve this problem ourselves.

The speech ends by her saying that the world is running out of time. Change is coming, and whether people like it or not, the real power of change belongs to the people.

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