Liberal Arts College

October 31, 2011 by · 7 Comments 

The main reason i choose to go to Morningside was because of Athletics. While I know that this has nothing to do with M’side being a liberal arts college, it was my main reason. Looking at the situation now though, I probably should have taken it into more consideration. I didn’t even know what the difference was between a liberal arts college and anything else until I came here. I believe that The Unlikely Disciple book that we really made me think in a lot of ways. I think I would hate all there rules and policies and their whole point of view really. In a liberal arts college you don’t have anything like that. You are able to do and think what you want, within reason. So I’m glad I got lucky and came to a liberal arts college, and i think I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Intro to Religion 4

October 20, 2011 by · 10 Comments 

This week in intro to religion we started talking about Eastern religions. This seems like it is going to be very interesting because I am not used to thinking in a non linear way. In Western religions we are always taught that you have one life, and therefore you have to live it to your fullest. However, in Eastern religions they believe in things like reincarnation and Karma, and that people come back in different lives. They also don’t believe in God. Instead, they believe in an ultimate reality that they base their religion on. While I understand the idea of it, I still find it very hard to believe in. However, it does seem very interesting and I am excited to learn more!

Intro to Religion 3

October 13, 2011 by · 7 Comments 

On Tuesday we had a guest speaker in religion class. Michael Baughman is a pastor in the Methodist church that is located in Dallas, Texas. However, he does much more than preach. He also goes on mission trips, is somewhat of a social media expert, and also knows a lot about pilgrimage. I found his explanation of pilgrimage very interesting in the fact that it was a little different than the models of pilgrimages that we have already learned about. I guess it goes to show you that no matter what model of pilgrimage you think is right, everyone still has their own different perspectives on the subject. I also liked how he gave us a lot of examples of pilgrimages that Christians can take. I found myself thinking how cool it would be to go to a place like Canabarry even though I’m not the most dedicated Christian in the world.

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