
August 26, 2011 by · 6 Comments 

I believe Hughes chose narration because this happened in his childhood, so he would have a first hand account of the situation. Some other methods of writing wouldn’t be as appropriate as a narration would be in this senario. He might also have wrote it as a narration to show some people that may have went though the same situation that they aren’t alone. Perhaps the most important reason he wrote it as a narration is because it makes it the story more interesting. An argumentative essay about this topic would most likely discuss the pros and cons of pushing religion on kids and how it dramatically effects their emotional and mental state . It might also talk about how the society in which we grow in dramatically effects what kind of religion we have. Such a essay would perhaps be called “Pushing Religion On Kids: A Very Pressing Issue”.

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August 26, 2011 by · 8 Comments 

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