Article Paper One

Elisabeth Hayes writes a fantastic article on Gender and Gaming. Women, Video Gaming & Learning: Beyond Stereotypes talks a whole lot about why people stereotype gamers and why women aren’t appreciated for playing video games. Hayes goes through and gives points of society is doing wrong and what society thinks of gamers and women playing them also. A main thing she talks about is the battle of sexes and why women get viewed differently than men. She brings up why both sexes play different games, what it means to play like a girl and what it means to play like a boy. She throws things at you that you would have never thought on your own makes you think about what your playing and why you play the games you do. I think in someway a game you play reflects the person you become and it shapes you in some way. Hayes concludes her article with four main points that stood out to me; avoid stereotypes, dont assume all women are alike, provide scaffolding for new gamers, and  do consider overall game design, not just particular elements in isolation. Hayes writes a great article on how people think gamers are viewed and what people and designers should do to change the stereotypes and make the gamer world a better place.


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