Survey for gaming

For this blog I went around asking people what there thoughts of video games where and if they played. It wasn’t a true survey, but I asked about 15-20 people about this topic and I found out that many people view video games as bad, or they don’t really care if people play them. The ones that they said that are bad gave reasons that it forms the brain to think differently for little kids if they are playing shooting games and hear swearing on it and it will effect their lives and open there eyes to so much and such a young age. For the ones that said they don’t care, there best answer was that if people enjoy them, then let them have fun in their own way, but if you don’t see anything good in them, then don’t waste your time with them. Gamers seem to be stereotyped because of how lazy they seem and how much time they put into playing video games, but what people don’t see is how much fun they can actually be having and how much stress can be relieved when you actually feel cared and welcomed. They may criticize us, but until they actually try they have no room to speak. The overall view that I got from the people I asked is that video games isn’t a terrible thing, but people also had to say that there are better ways to use your time rather than sit in front of a screen for hours on hours.

About Kyle


3 Responses to “Survey for gaming”
  1. Shane says:

    This is a very nice blog entry. I think the results you got are very normal of people these days. What do you think about video games?

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