Mountain Girl in a Midwest Cornfield

Author: Mari (Page 4 of 7)

Marcus Mackey To Study Abroad

December 5th, 2017


SIOUX CITY, IA- Marcus Mackey has been selected to spend a semester abroad studying at Kansai Gaidai University in Japan. He is very excited to have been granted this opportunity.

In order to be given this opportunity, Mackey was required to volunteer around campus and create a name for himself. He was hand selected by a professor for this opportunity. He is hoping to accomplish a great amount of learning while overseas.

This is Mackey’s first opportunity to study abroad.

“It is a great opportunity to learn stuff I can’t learn here” was Mackey’s reaction to being presented with this opportunity.

For more information on Marcus Mackey’s study abroad opportunity, contact (555) 555-5555.

Nat Simpson

Nat Simpson has known about her anxiety disorder ever since she can remember. It is her longest memory and goes everywhere with her, even to Thanksgiving of 2017.

Spending the holiday alone in Sioux City, the Morningside College student Simpson spent her time talking to her friend Jackson from back home. After being friends for two years, Simpson finally realized she had genuine feelings for this guy, the first time she had even developed feelings at all.

She panicked. Simpson did not know how to handle the situation internally or externally, thinking and overthinking. This developed into a panic attack but subsided when she confronted the problem by talking herself through the issue.

Jackson supported her (by saying “you’re a gem”) and waited till she had calmed to talk to her. Simpson’s anxiety disorder had not ruined her relationship, had not won, and she is moving on.

Reilly Mahon

Morningside College has continuously recruited and educated bright minds from throughout the world. They are drawn to the extensive nursing and biology programs, the computer science and math departments, the English, arts, and acting departments, and the Mass Communications curriculum.

Reilly Mahon, a 2015 graduate of East High in Sioux City, is one of these students that is pursuing a career in the Mass Communications field.

Originally, Mahon planned on studying to become a high school band teacher and she spent many years playing the clarinet. She soon realized that she lacked the patience that band requires.

Her younger brother spiked her interest in the communications departments with his photography. At the beginning of this semester, she decided to change her path and focus on the Mass Comm department.

With new dreams of becoming a Sports Reporter, Mahon has put her all into her studies. She believes that one of her unique qualities is her focus on school instead of social activities.

“I’ve always been this focused,” Mahon said to the question of whether her focus was new because of her new academic path. It gave her something to lean on after her parent’s divorce and it gave her a reasonable goal to achieve.

The change in departments for her major has allowed her to come out of her shell. Mahon is shy, but the Mass Communications department leaves no room for silence. She has been forced to find a voice and an opinion.

What Would You Do For a Klondike Bar?

This question rang through the bowling alley in Davenport, IA on Sunday, November 12th and across social media as I tried to find the most interesting answer to

“What would you do for a Klondike bar?”

Many people answered that they wouldn’t do anything because they were gross. Others said they would merely pay for it such as Ally Dudley, a freshman bowler from Morningside College, because what else would they do for one?

Many people were phased by the question, such as Cassy Huiras, and stated that they “would do a lot for a Klondike Bar,” but couldn’t specifically say where their devotion would stop. Haley Mathes said that she would “give up her nap” to secure a Klondike Bar.

Though there were many answers to this very simple question, they most astounding and crazy came from Senior Bowler from Iowa State Univerity, Caitlin Morris. She stated that she would sell her friend Reid’s kidney for a Klondike Bar.

Though this could seem extreme, it also shows Morris’s devotion and love for the ice cream filled cookie sandwiches.

With the idea of a $200,000 kidney on the line, the real question remains,

“What would YOU do for a Klondike Bar?”

Sioux City News


Hello and Good Morning, this is Mari Pizzini and I am here to give you this week’s news in both Sioux City and the United States.

Our first story focuses on the importance of college sports attendance.

According to a study done by the University of Oregon, sports audience attendance in college is on a major decline.

An audience is an integral part of sports performance, but only mainstream sports such as football and volleyball are bringing in crowds. We talked to different athletes from Morningside College about their experiences with audience attendance.

Tessa Renze, a freshman swimmer at Morningside, is who we approached first.

Me: How does having an audience support you make you feel?

Tessa: “I get really excited” 

Me: Does it change your performance in any way?

Tessa: “it releases that side, that competitive side.”

Along with swimming, bowling is one of the least attended sports at the college. We talked to Haley Mathes, a third-year bowler and co-captain of the Mustangs team this year.

Me: What does having personal support make you feel?

Haley: “I feel like I need to try more”

Me: Do you change how you compete when people come to watch you?

Haley: “I feel like I need to showcase my talents for the people that know me”

Audiences are what propel students to become their best at the most important times.

In National news, Tuesday marked the day for country-wide elections with some different, even unexpected, outcomes.

Danica Roem, a 33-year-old former journalist, became the first openly transgender elected official Tuesday night when she ousted Robert G. Marshall from his Virgina committee spot.

Marshall, during his 13-terms, was known as Virginia’s “chief homophobe” and he introduced a “bathroom bill” that died on the floor. Roem overpowered his efforts in raising donations and made her margin of victory very clear.

Her election was one of the many included in the change from Republican holds, to Democratic committee members.

Tommy Croskrey commented that “it went from Democratic to Republican when Obama was elected, it’s just an interesting thought.”

Democrats lost around 900 seats between 2008 and 2016, but the sitting percentage is changing again, and now it is bringing the LGBTQ community with it.

Anti-Trump Democrats and Independents vied for committee spots to prove how to move past the opposition to the unpopular Republican President.

Roem was concerned with showing voters her care about local problems, and Marshall’s infatuation with mainstream conservative causes.

Sioux City also had their City Council elections Tuesday, and Morningside’s very own Alex Watters was re-elected to his seat, along with two other incumbents.

Watters will be taking his first full-time seat after being appointed a 10-month position to fill in for Keith Radig.

We asked Emma Sonier how she felt about the local elections,

“I’m okay with Alex being re-elected, but I also would have liked to see some new faces elected to City Council this year.”

Watters, Dan Moore, and Pete Groetken were all re-elected, the first time in decades three incumbents have retained their seats.

Ballots from Tuesday allowed voters to choose up to three different candidates. These three will make their office oaths in January.

This concludes your Local and National weekly news. Have a good day, this is Mari Pizzini signing out.

News Comment #12

I chose to write my News Comment on an article from NBC News titled “To Fight the Opioid Crisis, These Doctors Cut Back on Opioids.” This article details, first, the continued danger and devastation opioid use is having in the United States. Tens of thousands of people die from opioid overdose each year, and 2 million people are addicted to them. Rush University Medical Center in Chicago has doctors that are trying their best to stop opioid addictions by changing cocktails for pain medications pre and post surgery. Studies have shown that these changes have accelerated healing processes, stopped nausea after surgery, and are working just as well as opioid drugs.

This article is important because of the news value of currency. Trump declared the opioid epidemic a public health emergency on Thursday, rocketing it into the news even more than it has been recently. Opioid addiction can often be traced back to true, necessary prescriptions that have been used beyond their intended usage. Doctors that are trying to stop the use of opioids when not necessary are also trying to put a stop to the dangerous addiction epidemic. Opioids have always been in the news, but with Trump’s recent declaration they have become more prominent and more concerning.

Emma Watson Speaks about Gender Equality at One Young World

The feminist movement is “building an unstoppable current” in the world today according to Emma Watson during her speech at One Young World. The Harry Potter star and UN Messenger of Peace believes the rise of the gender equality movement is at an all-time high and is “as important as any of the other goals” that are at large.

One Young World is a UK based charity founded in 2009 dedicated to gathering the “brightest young leaders from around the world” and empowers them to make lasting changes.

This organization is about leaving behind the individual and embracing what a group can accomplish together, just as Watson was speaking about finding her tribe. She said that she found a “sisterhood; a brotherhood,” her tribe, where she could work with a group to enhance the world.

Watson’s speech was honest and emotional. She laughed before beginning her speech out of disbelief about having the ability to call herself an activist, “a word [she] never imagined that [she] would use to describe [herself].”

Watson goes on to describe the fight for gender equality as being a factor that “intersects with every single other issue we face.” Feminity and masculinity energies are within everyone and need to be “lifted up, respected” through the world.

Feminism isn’t a one time deal. Watson, quoting Bobby Kennedy, said that “each time a man or women stands up for an ideal…he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.” These ripples cascade into currents that can fight against oppression.

Watson said that these ripples must be made by people of all ages, races, experiences, etc in order to overcome oppression. They must come from a tribe.

This tribe, activists in their own way like Watson, must consider her seven questions:

Am I willing to

be seen?

speak up?

keep going?

listen to what others have to say?

go forward even when I feel alone?

go to bed each night at peace with myself?

be my biggest, best-est, most powerful self?

These seven questions “scare the absolute shit” out of Watson herself, but they are what she sees a tribe must accomplish in order to work together for the good of all. Especially the good and installation of gender equality.



News Comment #11

I chose to write my news comment on an article from titled “Stranger Things, BoJack Horseman, and the Weird Power of Telling, Not Showing.” This article first details the second season of the hit Netflix Original Stanger Things and how it is so different in context than other television shows of today. It then begins to talk about another Netflix original, BoJack Horseman, and its animation and storyline. This second show is animated, thus allowing the writers to choose their words and the body language within the show.

This connects back to our Journalism class based on our new ideas of broadcast media. Broadcast media has many more characteristics to it than print does, allowing them to show and not tell, They have images that can show a viewer ideas through color and direct visualization, but this article hits at something different. Instead of using images to make a viewer understand subtext, writers are now having characters say directly what they mean. No guessing. Nothing lost in translation. They are beginning to use their words, just like in print, to get their point across.

News Comment Week #10

I chose to write my news comment on an article from the New York Times titled “A Half-Century Later, Documents May Shed Light on J.F.K. Assassination.” This article details that the 25 years waiting period on the release of the final 1% of documents on the J.F.K. assassination is coming to an end on today. Many people in the public are excited to finally hear the rest of the story and facts about the assassination and Oswald, while many others have created conspiracy theories detailing the idea that Oswald was not working alone. Though government officials (and the official story itself) believe that Oswald was working alone, the general public still creates and believes conspiracy theories about Kennedy’s death. Because a number of documents that are going to be released are significantly small, many officials are warning the general public to not get their hopes up.

This article connects back to out Journalism class by way of original broadcasts of the assassination. Kennedy’s death was one of the first major events to be televised in homes around the country, and today it has circled back to again be the talk of the United States. The article itself is incredibly long to be created into a broadcast, but the information could be shortened and repeated to a viewer. It is national news because the original story affected many people still alive today, and this resurgence is bringing it back.

Broadcast #2: Shooting

Yesterday Laurette Brunson, 38, was shot in the abdomen by her husband Richard Brunson, 50, only three hours after their wedding.

The shooting occurred around 5 pm on Black Street. Richard Brunson used a .22-calibre handgun to shoot his wife after she threw a plate of macaroni salad at him.

The couple had been living together in the house where they were married for four or five months before the incident.

Relatives and friends said that they were surprised by the shooting. Neighbor Michael Martin said “I’ve never seen him violent. Never heard them yelling. It blows me away.”

Laurette’s three children were present during the shooting. Another neighbor, Walter Corse, was near the house during the incident.

“I heard the sound of the shot, or I think I did. It was kind of a ‘pop pop pop’ and then the son came out yelling she’s been shot and can’t breathe.”

A neighbor called the police, but Richard Brunson was gone by the time they arrived. His whereabouts are still unknown.

Mrs. Brunson is in satisfactory condition at St. Luke’s Hospital.

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