Convo Sketch

My boyfriend and I woke up to the loud sounds of banging on the walls. Both of us wearing our pj’s, half asleep and not happy.

Workers have been sidding their house for a few weeks now with little to no progress.

We got up and went to my house. On the way to my house we had a conversation about how it is taking them an awfully long time to side the house. We wondered if they are getting paid by the hour or if they just don’t know what they’re doing. My boyfriend got up and went to his 8am and said he saw the guy by the door doing the same thing when we left at 9:30am.

We talked about how it is odd that they are doing this siding now when people are living in the house rather than when it was sitting empty in the summer. We also talked about how it was weird that they are putting plastic siding over nice wood siding. Couldn’t they have painted it and it would’ve been way cheaper?

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  1. The first two sentences do a nice job of setting the scene. Readers have a context for understanding.