Sep 27 2022

Profile Image of Wade

Jacob O’Dell’s special skill

Posted at 11:33 am under Interviews

Jacob O’Dell’s real estate production company has allowed him to perfect his communication skills with business professionals in the real world.

O’Dell has a very useful skill… his ability to speak with people.

“I am able to think critically before I speak, that’s what sets me apart.” O’Dell states.

O’Dell loves to sit back and observe situations and just listen to business professionals. He knows that they have much more knowledge than him since they have been in the industry much longer.

Being able to absorb information, process it, and think critically of a response is very helpful for him when he is in business meetings. His trick is to basically absorb the information from the business professionals, think of it in his own words, and say it back out in the way he understood it, to make sure he is interpreting it in the right way. This is what allows him to have such great communication skills.

O’Dell likes to credit a lot of what he has learned about communication skills to Youtube and a specific book he has read. The book is called The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene.

O’Dell summarized what he has learned in one sentence.

“Shut up and Listen.” O’Dell expresses.

O’Dell repeatedly emphasized how important it is for him to listen to older business professionals and absorb all of their information, since they have the most experience and have been through more real life experiences.

One response so far

One Response to “Jacob O’Dell’s special skill”

  1. fuglsangon 02 Oct 2022 at 4:02 pm 1

    Nicely done, Wade.

    I’m not sure I would begin with “Jacob O’Dell” because not everyone is going to recognize the name. You could maybe use the second graf as a lead: A Morningside sophomore has a very useful skill….

    Then move the first graf to third. Whether that would be an improvement is debatable.

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