Sep 20 2022

Profile Image of Wade

Scavenger Hunt

Posted at 11:08 am under Uncategorized

I met two different people today, Ridge Hoffman and KJ Williams, both of these individuals were near the Student Government office.

I approached Ridge and asked him how his day was going and if he was busy at the moment. He said he wasn’t so I had a conversation with him.

I have seen Ridge before at many Morningside events but I have never talked to him. We began talking about the football game last Saturday and then ended up talking about the two football games that were on last night.

Ridge was very easy to talk to and made the conversation flow.

Once we were done talking about football, I asked him if he would happen to have something with a Morningside logo on it.

He said “We have many things with logos on it!”

He instantly pointed me towards these stress balls in the shape of Monty the Mustang for Student Government and one in the shape of a cow for the Morningside Activities Council.

He then continued to look for other objects for me and I told him these two things were plenty. His reaction seemed very normal and he seemed very happy to help.

The second person I met was KJ Williams. He is on the football team at Morningside.

I jumped right to the chase and asked him if he wanted to talk about his favorite movie.

He initially reacted and smiled and seemed excited to talk about this. He said he had two favorites from different genres. Interstellar and Wall-E. He then went into depth about each of these movies and why he liked them so much.

He said that Interstellar affects him psychologically and messes with his brain.

“The soundtrack in Interstellar is insane.” KJ added

KJ said that Wall-E was a very good movie too, because he finds the robot very funny and he thinks it is very cute how he falls in love with Eve and eventually saves the planet.

One response so far

One Response to “Scavenger Hunt”

  1. fuglsangon 30 Sep 2022 at 2:15 pm 1

    Just talking ’bout football. Nicely done, Wade.

    I wish you would talk more in class. Speak up.

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