Aug 26 2022

Profile Image of Wade

Jacob’s Juice

Posted at 11:01 am under Interviews

Jacob Samuel O’Dell is a sophomore business-marketing major attending Morningside University.

Q: “Tell me a little about yourself. What do you like to do in your free time?”

“I don’t really have much free time, to be quite honest with you. If you mean when I am not in class or playing baseball, then I enjoy learning new skills, watching YouTube videos to help my business succeed, and networking with business professionals in the area.”

Q: “You mentioned something about a business, Jacob, tell me about that.”

“Yes, I run a real estate production company. Real estate agents hire our company to help photograph and video different properties. Our job is then to help the agents market their listings online.”

Q: “How long have you been in this business?”

“I have been doing this for about a year when November rolls around.”

Q: “Do you have any goals for this business?”

“Yes, of course. I plan to continue this business after college and make a career out of it. I would like to try and expand as the business grows but I understand that this will take some time. In the future, I would also like to expand near the west coast, where I am originally from. I have some business professionals that I am in touch with from Utah and Arizona that would like to help me expand.”

Q: “Jacob, it seems like you have your future planned out. What is the benefit of getting a college degree?”

“A college degree doesn’t drastically benefit me to be completely honest. I am in college to build connections and to network with business professionals. I also wanted to continue to play baseball.”

Q: “Tell me a little about your baseball career.”

“I started playing baseball when I was 5 and I was not very good. There are a lot of good athletes from California so it was hard to stand out. The first year I felt like I stood out was my freshman year of high school.”

Q: “How did you get recruited by Morningside and why did you choose to come here?

“My high school coach was actually a catcher at Morningside a few years ago. He told me to take a visit and see what Morningside had to offer. That’s how I got in contact with the coaching staff and faculty here. I chose to come here because I wanted to get away from the west coast and I didn’t want to go to a huge university.”

Interviewed by Wade Canaday

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