How to Properly Care for Your Betta

How to Properly Care for Your Betta

indexBy Kayla Perkins—Many college students learn quickly that they miss their pets and want to have their own. Dorms only allow students to have fish and usually these fish are Bettas because they are cheap and pretty. More often than not students do not know how to properly care for these fish.

Never put two Bettas in the same space. Bettas are aggressive and will attack each other if they are in the same space. If you want to have two Bettas in the same tank you have to buy a separator. These can be found at most pet stores.

Bettas can live from anywhere between two to four years on average with proper care. The first step to ensuring that they live out their lives fully is to make sure they have a big enough tank. A Betta needs at least two gallons of water each but more is better. Tanks can be found relatively cheap at pet stores like PetSmart and Pet Co.

To properly care for a Betta certain equipment is required. The equipment needed includes a filter, a vacuum hose for changing water, a bucket to put the water in, water conditioner, food, gravel, plants (real or fake), and possibly a heater to get started.

Bettas need clean fresh water that has been treated with water conditioner to live in. If you do not treat the water, the minerals will kill your fish very quickly. The water should be between 65 and 80 degrees.

It is recommended you change part of the water at least once every two weeks. said, “Check water quality at least once a week. Do a complete water change for small bowls (less than 2 gallons) 1-2 times weekly; in larger aquariums, change 10-25% of the total volume of water every 2-4 weeks, or more often as needed.”

You can use a vacuum hose to suck out the water by placing it in the gravel to remove waste that has settled on the bottom of the tank. You will also want a bucket to suck the water into and to replace the dirty water with clean water.

Bettas are carnivorous and require Betta pellets or freeze dried food. said, “Feed sparingly three times per week and no more than fish can eat in three to five minutes; overfeeding can quickly foul the water, especially in smaller, unfiltered aquariums.”

Most people think that caring for fish is inexpensive, but it can be surprisingly expensive. However, once you have all the proper equipment, your Betta can live comfortably and healthily.

April 15, 2015

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