
Splash Into Spring Break

spring-break-colorBy Lindsay Martin–It is not too late to travel for spring break, and students can do so without breaking the bank. Spring break for Morningside College is March 1 through the 9.  Although most college students don’t have a lot of extra money laying around to go on an extravagant trip, it is possible to save on some travel expenses.

First, book directly with the hotel. This can eliminate any middleman fees, and it allows you to ask any questions you might have about the facility.

Second, budget for anything you might want to purchase while you are there. Things like gas, food, t-shirts, alcohol (for students of age), and any other activities you might want to attend. It is important to expect the unexpected, so always plan for more money than necessary.

Next, road tripping is always a great idea. Driving will cost less than flying. Traveling in a group will help cut individual gas costs, and also allows for more potential drivers. The memories and experiences from road tripping are irreplaceable. However, if you plan on driving, have the car checked before leaving. Also, make sure there is a plan incase something happens to the car while on the road.

Tony Rodger, a graduate student at Texas A&M, went to South Padre, Texas for spring break in 2013. Rodger said, “Although I had a blast while we were there, most of the best memories made were actually in the car ride going there. I strongly encourage going on at least one spring break trip before graduating college. You are only young once, so travel when you can.”

It is essential to pack anything and everything you might need. This will cut back on costs while you are there. In addition, dining can be one of the most outrageous expenses. Before you leave, check for grocery stores close to the hotel.

I encourage you to pack any non-perishable items and then go grocery shopping when you get there for items like milk and bread.

Matthew Pitts, a senior at Morningside College, suggested, “Going in a group creates a better all around experience. In addition to having more fun, the group can split the cost of hotel, food, and gas; which saves money for everyone involved.”

Lastly, research any deals or coupons that can be used at surrounding establishments while you are there. Lots of places also have student discounts.

Use these helpful money saving tips for spring break or any other trips in the future. Traveling in college can be affordable, with the right planning.

January 28, 2014

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