
Students ‘Breakthrough’ in new group

by Hailey Barrus– There are more opportunities to get involved in Morningside College’s ministry this year at Breakthrough, a student led worship night.

This organization just started up this year and is a new way for Christian college students to gather in prayer, worship, and to have a strong outlet for their faith.

Senior, Kevin Hancock, continues to expand Breakthrough with student led small groups that gather throughout the week to discuss their lives, faith, and to have someone to lean on.

“It is nice to feel a sense of community connecting with Christ on campus. No matter how much faith you have, we just gather together to talk about our week, highs and lows, and our connection and love for Jesus,” stated junior, Bailey Powers.

“Breakthrough and joining small groups have really connected me with new friends and building my relationship with God,” Powers continued.

The new group meets every Tuesday night, apart from United Nights at Sunnybrook Church.

February 25, 2020

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