by Tracie Tuttle–Murals in downtown Sioux City are helping bring the alley ways between 4th, 5th, Pierce and Nebraska Street to life.
The murals, that were created for Sioux City’s first Alley Art Festival, were painted by a variety of local artists. The artists were encouraged to use their own personal style to brighten up once dark alley ways.
Be sure to check them out yourself, as the current murals are always changing and new, impromptu paintings are being added all of the time.
Alley Art Festival poster Paul Chelstad working on his mural Mural by Irish Egan Siouxland Artists Incorporated Greg Danner using a crutch and a paint brush to paint his mural. Mural by Connie Luhman Mural by Cherie Tope Mural by Jessica Hammond and Anna Hart Mural by Jean Guy Richard Mural by Susie Rodriguez Mural by Annie Bee Mural by Moose
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