I like this comic on the 2016 election because it’s unbiased on who you think is poopier than the other. That is if you think a candidate is even poopy because some people love one candidate over another, flaws and all.
Y’know, I honestly don’t want either of these candidates to win the presidency, and I think that we need a better political system because both of these candidates suck!
(3 Paragraphs Removed, Per Professor’s Request) Somethings just can’t be said, even with Freedom of Speech.
My friend Evan keeps saying that Putin may declare war on America if Hillary gets elected because he hates her, no other reason besides that he hates her. “Everyone knows he hates her,” he says, “He’s said it on camera.”
More history, I’ll be alive during World War III.
Now, here we are at the end of the election and really . . . I know three people who wrote-in Bernie, and I’m one of them because I couldn’t, in my heart, vote for either candidate because I do not believe that they will lead our country well the next four years.
If anything good came out of this election, it is the SNL skits. Those are funny. I like those.
Next are from Buzzfeed:
When Lin-Manuel Miranda threw the perfect Hamilton reference into his monologue.
And when Trump addressed the women who are voting Trump.
Everything about Kate McKinnon as Kellyanne Conway, which may be even better than her Hillary Clinton.
When actual Hillary Clinton made her cameo.