Nike and Kyrie Irving Officially End Relationship

NBA player Kyrie Irving’s business relationship with Nike has ended as a result of his anti-Semitic comments on Instagram. This comes in the wake of Adidas severing ties with Kayne West over similar comments. Nike has been manufacturing Kyrie’s shoes since 2014, but is not expected to take a massive hit in profits from ending the contract.

The lead sentence is good because it gives a basic summary of the article, and makes the reader interested to get the full story behind Kyrie and Nike’s split. The target audience of this article would be NBA fans, specifically Brooklyn Nets fans. This news would not majorly affect anyone other than Irving himself, but it may raise concerns for his fans as this could affect his overall career. The news value of this article is that it explains why Irving and Nike ended their partnership.

Published in: on December 8, 2022 at 8:25 pm Comments (1)

Pierce Taylor

Pierce is from Excelsior Springs, Missouri and was born on October 28, 2003. Starting off in preschool, he went to a catholic school then transferred over to Excelsior Middle school and then moved on to high school. In middle school, Pierce had done cross country and track for two years and tried out for basketball but did not make it on the team. Moving onto high school, Pierce had done track and field, soccer, and was interested in coding. Towards the end of his high school career, he had finally decided that coding was not for him.

Looking into colleges, Pierce was unsure on where to go and what to do with his life. He ventured to Morningside for an official tour and was a huge fan. He wanted a hand on experience instead of a big college that the professors don’t even know you. Late into the summer before leaving for college, Pierce was still unsure on what to do, but made the scary decision to go to college five hours away and far from his family.

Coming to college, Pierce was very nervous and not excited or prepared for the challenge. He felt that he was forced into this big step of his life by family members. When he had gotten to Morningside, instead of looking into computer science as a major, Pierce decides to look into Business Administration. “I feel that this major is pretty lit” he says, even though he is only in his first year of the program. On the athletic side of college, Esports had caught his eye and made him excited to play Rocket League competitively. During this process of Esports and classes, he has met a lot of new people.

Tayden is a recent friend of Pierce at Morningside as they have met through a mutual friend. She says that Pierce is very “out of pocket and hoodrat” but still enjoys being with him as a person. In a recent event, Pierce had let Tayden pierce his ear. This shows that pierce is open to new ideas and loves the adventure of everything he does.

Pierce has made it his passion to play esports at Morningside. He started to play consistently throughout the semester trying to balance this sport, classes, and work. Pierce has really excelled in the game when he got to college as his parents would not be pressuring him about school and tell him to stop playing games.

Tyler Duffy is a teammate of Pierce and a Rocket League player at Morningside. He is a sophomore and has been on the team for over a year. “Pierce is a really good individual player but needs to work better with the team.” Overall, Tyler has great improvement in his craft and is excited to see him in the future seasons of Rocket League.

In the future, Pierce is excited to excel at his sport and meet new people on campus. Not knowing what the future holds, he is ready to jump right into it.

Published in: on December 7, 2022 at 7:04 pm Comments (0)

Subway’s Footlong Cookie

Subway just came out with another series for footlong cookies. For limited time, Subway has unique items that will change how people feel about their products. This is news as we have never seen anything like this from subway and it’s a new innovation. The audience is anyone that is a fan of Subway or cookies. This is beneficial as it is informational. Yes, it is beneficial to the company as it is advertising the product they are selling. This article is different from the others we have seen as it is advertising and informing their fans about the product.

Published in: on December 1, 2022 at 10:50 am Comments (1)