They call me Diegs, read about it.

Month: September 2018 (Page 1 of 2)

Creme de Pirouline

Creme de Pirouline is a crunchy, hard, thin cookie that is rolled into a thick straw. It is a light brown, with dark line going down the side of the straw like candy. It smells like a chocolate pastry, that smells like a chocolate cupcake. When you bite into it, the crunchy cookie crumbles into your mouth, and then the rich chocolate taste of sweetness kicks in. The chocolate resembles the chocolate that someone would find in a chocolate dipped cone. It is not too sweet, and not too bland. The cookie part does not necessarily have a taste, but it is more like an ice-cream cone instead of a sweet cookie.

News Comment week 6

Airlines May Soon Be Legally Retired to Add More Legroom and Increase Seat Sizes on Airplanes

This article talks about, how congress is considering a legislation that could impact air travel agencies. It would require the Federation Aviation Administration to set up a different standard of regulations for passengers and the amount of room they need to have for people that use their airline.

It talk about how in the 1960 the average woman weighed 140 pounds, and the average male weighed 166 pounds, which is not exactly close to what was recorded in 2015. Due to the fact that America has a obesity problem, being that one-third of all Americans are over weight, and some airlines keep shrinking the amount of space in an airplane for a person.

According to the article, the bill might pass through quickly, but because of president Trump deregulating initiative on rules about tarmac delays and flight cancelations.

This article does not exactly, give a lot of interviews, but it does mention the New York Times as well as Sen. John Thune from SD.  It does also reference a quote from Amanda McCullough about something that she wrote on ” Being a fat traveler, it is especially difficult to travel alone and have to request an extender” according to her this is one of the issues she has to deal with.

In my opinion, it is extremely uncomfortable sitting in a plane. Especially if you are traveling for more than 8 hours. Some international flights could take all day. If it’s difficult for me, and I am  only 5′ 7″, then it is even worse for someone that is over 6 feet tall. I would not like flying any more than I already do if they keep shrinking the space.

Scavenger Hunt- Char Jorgensen, Renee Lund

Char is one of the most sweetest people I have ever met, she is kind and always has a smile on her face. In this assignment I was supposed to get a favorite quote, Char was the first person that came to mind, because she is full of wisdom.

When I walked into the Admissions office, I walked straight to her and I said, “Char, are you busy? I need your wisdom.” She immediately greeted me with a smile and told me she could help me. I asked her if she had a favorite quote, and she said yes, so I asked her what that quote was. She said ” Life is too short not to be kind”, I asked her why she picked that specific quote, and she said that because with a little bit of kindness you can change the world. She related back to the Columbine shooting and said that if people were kind maybe incidents like those would not happen. She said “Learn to be kind”, I asked her if she had any other quotes and she said no, and proceeded to say, “but Ill give you a hug.” Char is famously known for always giving her students a hug before saying good bye. Char is an example of what kindness should look like.

Renee Lund is an admissions counselor at Morningside, she is a really laid back, super chill kind of girl. I asked her if she was super busy and and she said not too terribly. So I asked her if she could help me, and had anything with a Morningside logo in her office. She was a bit confused because she had no idea why I approached her, but she said yeah so she asked if her business card would work, I told her yes. I asked her what kinds of stuff were in her card she said, it was her name, address, email and phone number. I asked her how long she has been an admissions counselor and she said almost five years. I asked her what her favorite part about being a counselor was and she said, “meeting with high schoolers.” So I asked what her ideal job would be, and she said she would want to open a bakery, she loves to bake cut out cookies, I asked why and she said, “Because you have different frosting and sprinkles”. I thanked her for her time and asked her for her autograph.

News Comment Week 5

Bert and Ernie were a gay couple, written says, but ‘Sesame Street’ says different.

In this article, former writer of the show Mark Saltzman revealed that the puppet characters of the show are in fact a gay couple. This was claimed in an article recently published last Sunday. Sesame workshop denied this comment saying that the characters are nothing more than puppets portrayed as best friends and have no sexual orientation.

Workshop said, “As we have always said, Bert and Ernie are best friends,” the statement read. “They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves.

This statement drew criticism, Charlotte Clymer tweeted, “So, basically Muppets possess every single human trait except the ability to love each other in a romantic way?”

Blair Imani  said, that even though there are clear signs of heterosexual pairings in the show like Elmo’s parents. There should be representation of the LGBT community in this show, and that Sesame Street is taking that away from kids.

In my opinion this is bizarre news, because no one would ever imagine that people are having conversations about inanimate objects having sexual orientations. Though I completely agree that now that there is representation of the LGBTQ community in this kids’ show, its being taken away by Sesame Street itself. This is also an example of prominence, because those characters really never did anything to add to our lives, they just became a thing for kids and yet they are affecting adults, since young kids do not see sexual orientation. It is 2018 no one cares anymore if Bernie and Ernie are gay or not anymore, they are puppets.

ESPN Says Dance is a Sport


ESPN Says Dance is a Sport

While many say that dance is not a sport, ESPN realizes dance is in fact a sport,and looks at scientific proof to prove the haters wrong.They break down scientific data from dancers in the musical, The Lion King.

By definition through First Tutors, dance is a sport through the physical activity and skill, which an individual or team competes against one another for entertainment.

ESPN is more shocked than, critical. Brenkus, follows a series of dancers from the Broadway’s musical The Lion King.

India Bolds, is the dancer to be examined in this scientific experiment, in a segment called “Stamina”. According to Bolds, she plays 9 different characters, and has 14 costume changes, all within 2 hours and a half. She covers a distance of 2.68 miles in each performance, running up and down stairs, performing and doing costume changes. This distance is more than Steph Curry’s average of 2.44 miles covered per game.

A bio-harness was used to measure her breathing, heart rate, and movement throughout the durance of the show.

Bolds’ heart rate, averaged a total of 125 BPM, and peaked at 192 BPM. As stated by Brenkus, “India, demonstrates why dancers have an aerobic capacity on par with the lead soccer players.”

Endurance is a huge part of dancing, while talking about The Lion King Musical, Brenkus talks about a study done, where music is known to boost endurance by 15%. “It is not easy, it’s fun, it’s amazing, its extraordinary, but it’s hard work” Bolds stated. There are plenty of people that assume dance is not hard to do, but in reality, it doesn’t look hard because dancers job is to make it look easy.

Jenna Garecht, from the Huffington Post Says dance is not only physically exhausting, but mentally as well. She believes that dance is a sport because, it is demanding and it requires a demanding amount of hard work. She says, “To be able to dance well, one needs to be flexible, strong, have stamina, have endurance and most importantly have a love for what they do”.

In the Blog, she asks the question “Is dance a sport or an art?”, a dancer must constantly be working on his/her technique so that everything is perfectly on point, which makes it a sport. She shared that dance is an art, because dancers have to convey emotions through their movement and tell a story. But because dance is physically demanding it earns the right to be a sport.

Dancer Spirit website also shared that it is still difficult to think that even with dance being in pop culture, there are people that still don’t believe dance is as athletic as it is.

ESPN’s (the worldwide leader in sports.) website, under the sports tab, and under cheer and dance, it has the opening line of “Your spirit and athleticism take your squad to the top of the competition. Rally your team and compete against the best cheerleading and dance programs in the nation!”.

In that sentence, the words athleticism, and competition appear. Which are words that describes a sport. Think about football, if they didn’t compete, all people would see is a bunch of dudes running around a field. Instead we praise football teams while they play because, as humans people like to win.



Article Exercise #4

Flight 553 of united Airlines crashes approaching Townsville Friday afternoon. Crew found most of the 55 passengers dead at the scene.

The plane crashed through a  number of residential homes, that was destined to reach Omaha. The crash killed most of the passengers who were found in the debris of the Boeing 737.

There was a few survivors, Holy Cross Hospital reported 16 people, including the plane’s 3 flight attendants, were admitted with injuries. The coroner reported a body count of 42 dead.

According to a United spokesman, “The plane was approaching the airport with a 500-foot cieling and a one-mile visibility.” The national transportation Safety Board of Washington immediately dispatched an investigative team to Townsville. “We’ll look into this this throughly”, an official affirmed.

More to come.



Serena Williams Fined $17 K for U.S Open argument

Tennis pro, Serena Williams is the talk of the show at the moment. After she allegedly  called out the umpire, Carlos Ramos and calling him a thief, because he made a call that  was believed to not be fair, and a double standard for Williams.

She was fined 17 thousand dollars, for violating U.S Open rules. $1000 for verbal abuse towards the umpire, $4000 for the coaching warning, and $3000 for breaking her racket. She argued that she was not cheating, or being coached. She said ““We don’t have any code, and I know that you don’t know that and I understand why you may have thought that was coaching, but I’m telling you it’s not. I don’t cheat to win, I’d rather lose.”

Everyone came to applaud her for calling out the umpire, and telling him that anything that she did would have been okay to do if it was a male tennis player doing it.  That there have been worse situations that have not been treated as badly as her call was.

She had other athletes coming to to her defense, such as Billie Jean King. Who is a tennis icon, and an advocate for gender equality, and equal pay for male and female players.

This  article caught my attention because the lead, which we have been discussing in class, was a good example of what a lead should be. The lead said “When a woman is emotional, she’s ‘hysterical’ and she’s penalized for it,” the tennis legend noted “When a man does the same, he’s ‘outspoken’ & and there are no repercussions” which is a direct quote from Billie Jean later on in the article. I thought it was interesting because they put out a quote as the lead, but right away you knew what was about to be discussed in that article. The article also gave out the most details in the beginning and had quotes from other people in the middle and minor details in the end.

Article exercise 3

Students suspended from Central High School after protest against the school.

After a false alarm sounded three times last Wednesday,  and the cafeteria closed Tuesday because of a food fight. Principal Laura Vibelius suspended 15 students.

Five students got suspended because they were caught smoking marijuana in the school parking lot. Ten more suspended because of a protest against the school because of the first incident. Vibelius, sees no more of these “incidents” in the near future.


In class exercise 2

Townsville man dead at 65, from a fatal car accident, yesterday morning.

The accident took place two miles east of Townsville, on Hway 20. When Randy Radin, the driver of a truck and Moyer Quick, the driver of the car collided in the result of one dead and 3 injured.

All three survivors were transported to Mariah Center. The survivors include Dorothy Quick, 61, Maxine Steuerwald, 43 and Radin, 17, who is in critical condition with a fractured skull and internal injuries.

The accident took both vehicles into the ditch on the side of the road. The accident took place when Quick passed Radin, but his rear-end struck Radin as he completed the pass. Quick’s vehicle rolled once ending in death. The is an investigation still going on.

Radar Guns banned from Iowa

State of Iowa highway patrol ordered to ban the use  of hand-held guns, yesterday.

Because of concerns that troopers could develop longterm cancer, because of the exposure to radiation waves from the devices. The ban order is a precaution, for the possible link between cancer and the guns.

The move is considered the first of its kind after three municipal officers in Cedar Rapids filed workman’s compensation claims. The ban affects 70 guns that will be withdrawn from service. Adam Smith, the spokesman  said, “The feeling here is to err on the side of caution until more is known about the issue”.



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