News Comment Week 13

November 17th, 2021 | Uncategorized |

For this week’s news comment, I picked an article about the NFL ramping up covid protocols. These strict protocols are due to the upcoming holiday season. Between November 26th and December 1st, vaccinated players will have to have weekly negative covid tests while unvaccinated players will be required to have a daily negative covid test to enter facilities. Also, effective November 29th the NFL will require team cafeterias and weight-rooms in order to ensure all players are wearing masks.

The lead for this story is insanely long for a lead and is one run-on sentence that could have easily been split up or shortened into a better lead. I believe the best way would have been to make a whole different lead and use the lead as the first paragraph. As for the rest of the story, I think it was well organized and used the inverted pyramid style of writing well. One interesting thing I have noticed is that all ESPN articles have a similar set up: a long lead, most important information, a quote, and then closing or future information.

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