Jalen Portis, senior, adjust settings and prepares the camera for a recording. Jalen Portis, senior, ensures his camera is correctly positioned and ready for the upcoming shoot.Jalen Portis, senior, works as the director during the recording of a project for the communications capstone class.MCTV and its accompanying studio is a huge part of the Mass Communication department which many people do not even know is there.Zach Koelfagan (left) poses for a picture with Friends of the Animal Shelter Spokesperson Cindy Rarrat (right) after their Community Connections interview. Dreya Roberts (left) interviews Mary Pickens (right) about her involvement with the Boys and Girls Home of Siouxland during KMSC’s Community Connections event. Alexis Spier (left) interviews Brandi Steck (right) about the Siouxland Community Health Center during the Community Connections event. Diego Ocando (right) sits with his friend and prepares to open the microphone during KMSC’s 45th birthday celebration.
Mondays are upper body workout day. A common lift for this day is incline bench press.Wednesdays are my lower body workout day. Most recently I did back squats with a twist: a three second pause at the bottom of each rep.Dumbbells are great for doing a variety of auxiliary lifts. Versatile and easy to change weight.When it is too cold to run outside, you will find me doing my cardio on an indoor track. On Fridays, a one and a half mile run is my go to.Eggs are a staple of my morning routine and overall diet. It is an anomaly if I eat any less than a dozen a week.Video games are a great way for me to unwind or connect with my little cousins. Though, they are far from my strong suit.70s, 80s, 90s it does not matter, I love music. Most of all classic rock, especially the bands pictured here.Though I enjoy all sports, football and the NFL is my true passion… specifically the Minnesota Vikings.I recently took up reading before bed at night. My first book was “1984” by Orwell and now I am reading murder mysteries.Bingeing TV is a good way to pass time during colder months. Community, Arrested Development, and Always Sunny in Philadelphia are some of my favorites. Recently I started Modern Family.As the Student Station Manager, I spend a lot of time in the KMSC studio.A personal creation of mine I call “Cadenade”. A low calorie drink for a Friday night.
The Morningside Student Government Executive Council (left to right) Treasurer, Mara Brown; Vice President, Sophie Fill; President, Caleb Lubbers; and Director of Communications, Garrett Anderson smile over another successful student government meeting.
Mixed reactions around the table as one member of the family takes a sneaky sip out of the ranch cup.One family member seems none too impressed at the moment… possibly because of the popcorn thief?A quick witted joke erupts the table into laughter as appetizers are being finished.In a world where sugar and sweets seem to reign supreme, sometimes you still can find a kid munching on a salad.