Oct 27 2022

Profile Image of Braeden

Stuart Scott

Posted at 11:00 am under Uncategorized

After watching the speech of stuart scott in the espy awards it got very heartwarming very quick. Scott made references several times to Jimmy Vlano, Scott said several times to not give up. With that expressed several times through his speech he also made a very good point in life and that was “our Life’s journey is about people who touch us”. He followed that with “Fight like hell. And when you get too tired to fight then lay down and rest and let somebody else fight for you. That’s also very, very important. I can’t do this “don’t give up” thing all by myself”. Scott pretty much said sometimes it’s ok to get help from others and know that you’re never alone. he later on goes to talk about his cancer journey and his story.

He explained that the friday before the award ceremony he got released from the hospital, and when he was in the hospital it wasnt looking good because he said that “I just got out of the hospital this past Friday. Seven day stay. Man, I crashed. I had liver complications. I had kidney failure. I had four surgeries in a span of seven days. I had tubes and wires running in and out of every part of my body. Guys, when I say every part of my body: every part of my body. As of Sunday, I didn’t even know if I’d make it here. I couldn’t fight. But doctors and nurses could. The people that I love and my friends and family – they could fight.” Explaining again that it is ok to rely on others for help and to let them help fight for you.

Scott finally closes out his speech by talking about his daughters and that they’re the reason he hasn’t given up yet and he closes it by bringing up his youngest daughter because she was the only one who was able to make it and he gave her a big hug on stage.

One response so far

One Response to “Stuart Scott”

  1. fuglsangon 31 Oct 2022 at 3:56 pm 1

    I’m thinking you must have been a mason in a previous life, Braeden. That could explain the brick walls of type you create.

    There’s usable stuff here, but it’s buried in a bunch of other stuff. For example, the long quote about wires could be cut and paraphrased.

    As usual: Focus.

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