Oct 27 2022

Profile Image of Braeden

NA 8 The Presidents take on Russia and Nukes

Posted at 8:20 am under Uncategorized

The whole world knows who has nuclear weapons and who doesn’t, and the whole world is aware of the war in ukraine with russia. Russia previously went around telling western countries that ukraine us coming up with a nuclear dirty bomb. The reason that this is scaring people around the world is because accusing other nations of certain acts and them themselves then doing what they accused isn’t uncommon for russia.

With Russia losing ground quick and there seems to be no pathway to controlling vast swaths of the four provinces they recently annexed all signs lead to a dirty bomb. That’s when president biden “President Biden renewed his warning to President Vladimir V. Putin on Tuesday that it would be an “incredibly serious mistake” pretty much telling Putin that If he does use a nuclear bomb there will be severe consequences and the USA will have no choice but to intervene. However they way it comes is that it looks like it’ll be the world against russia, so its really not in putins best intrest to use a dirty bomb because thats almost a guarenteed world war 3.


One response so far

One Response to “NA 8 The Presidents take on Russia and Nukes”

  1. fuglsangon 30 Oct 2022 at 7:42 pm 1

    Since you have now done the print version, see if you can find a video version to compare. (It may be too late.)

    It would be the world against Putin. But as you say, Putin has nukes, which makes it a more difficult decision.

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