Sep 29 2022

Profile Image of Braeden

Florida hospitals cant handle hurricane

Posted at 10:20 am under Uncategorized

After reading the Ny times article about florida hospitals and the new hurricane Ian, they said that this hurricane “could end up ranking as one of the most catastrophic hurricanes to strike the United States in the past decade”. As more people looked into the hospitals predicting people will be either injured or killed, the local hospitals could old hole up to a category 2 hurricane and with this being a category 5 that is a huge problem. With reading further in Punta Gorda, where Ian made its second landfall on Wednesday, 100 percent of the roads within a mile of a hospital were projected by the researchers to be flooded by a Category 2 storm”. Which proves that these hospitals need to better prepare and should honestly already be prepared due to the fact that hurricanes happen so often in florida.

Finally if you continue to read the article it also states that do to the warmer climates in florida these smaller hurricanes are jumping to a category 4&5 super quick. it also stated that “sometimes overnight. Hurricanes, fueled by warming ocean water, are also unleashing more rain”. All these issues should be addressed and dealt with before the hurricane happened because if you get another huge hurricane like Ian the Category 5 that just passed through if anything bigger it probably has the ability to wipe florida off the map

One response so far

One Response to “Florida hospitals cant handle hurricane”

  1. fuglsangon 30 Sep 2022 at 7:50 pm 1

    Better, Braeden. When you write “all these issues should be addressed,” you’re talking about news values. Why weren’t they addressed? You’re also thinking about impact: Who is affected by these storms.

    And there’s a link to the story.

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