Sep 27 2022

Profile Image of Braeden

Brett’s favorite pet ever

Posted at 11:15 am under Uncategorized

In class today we were tasked with interviewing our classmates and I got the honor of interviewing Brett again. when interviewing I was tasked to ask him what his favorite animal, and after a second of thinking he said that his favorite animal is horses. When i asked him why horses out of every animal that could be considered a pet he said “Because I grew up around horses”. I then fallowed up with asking what his favorite thing to do with horses was and he responded with “going out and riding in a pasture”.

After Ross came over and checked on us he told me to get more information and that I didn’t have enough information. so i continued to interview Brett. Brett followed up with the reason he also chose horses was because “they were the first animal outside of dogs that he was introduced to as a kid” and that was because his grandfather owned some horses. Brett later said that they had a ¼ horse and that he actually owned 2 horses growing up one named Buffy and the other named Bell, and the reason he had 2 was “because they sold one of his and got another”. 

One response so far

One Response to “Brett’s favorite pet ever”

  1. fuglsangon 02 Oct 2022 at 7:07 pm 1

    The assignment here is to write objectively. Remove yourself, remove me, and write about Brett.

    Brett Tyron grew up around horses, Buffy and Bell. Each one only had one leg. They were 1/4 horses.

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