Aaron Rodgers Speaks Out After Testing Positive for Covid-19

Aaron Rodgers tested positive for Covid-19 last week, and he felt he was a victim of “cancel culture” and “woke mob” The former MVP spoke on The Pat Mcaffe show. Rodgers talked about his views on the vaccine mandates and believes personal should determine what happens to an individual’s body. Rodgers said, “I believe strongly in bodily autonomy and the ability to make choices for your body” The backlash came from an interview that took place back in August before the season kickoff. A reporter asked Rodgers if he was vaccinated or not and he responded that he had been immunized. The report did not ask anymore questions and everyone assumed he was vaccinated. 

​​ The author did a great job of showing all sides to the story specifically because he used direct quotes from Aaron Rodgers. I felt this helped show all the sides and give a more complete story. What I really liked about this article was it gave great background information on the protocols and used things from August to help give all key information.

I think this is news as the NFL has put in many rules to try to enforce the Vaccination on players. Aaron Rodgers is a key face in the NFL and has become a household name for many people. There have not been many people to speak their feelings on this issue but Rodgers did. This is why I see this story having value for football fans throughout the country. 

Are the NFL’s rule fair regarding Covid-19 vaccine?

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