
Relax! Try these study hacks

YogaBy Diane Nguyen–Finals week is on the horizon.

You’re feeling overwhelmed because you have two major projects, three papers, and a presentation due all at the same time! Not only do you have schoolwork but you also have your job and clubs to all stay alert on. It’s a lot for just one person, but it’s a life students have become accustomed to.

Sometimes we all need a little help or advice. Well here are some tips to help you through the last half of this semester.

Prioritize. Anyone reading this may already be thinking: “My life is already prioritized I don’t need to do that.” Let me share that there is nothing wrong with taking a step back to look at your entire life and reorganizing what needs to be handled first.

The most important fact is to just find a schedule that works for you.

Coffee? No. An idea to consider is to not guzzle those three cups of coffee that you think you need to drink just to function. Chugging coffee might actually be making you more anxious and stressed than you think!

Drinking coffee at a fast pace is actually telling yourself that you can’t do anything without coffee in your system. Which isn’t necessarily true, so lay it easy on the coffee and switch to a tea with caffeine, peppermint, or both. This beverage might leave you a little more awake and refreshed since you’ll be so used to coffee, your body will enjoy this tea break.

Acknowledge the signs when you are feeling overwhelmed or even becoming overwhelmed. Addressing the signs before you become overwhelmed sooner than later will help you in the long run.

If you address the symptoms of being overwhelmed later you’ll crash and your recovery time may take longer. Which means you won’t be able to get everything you’d like to get done that night. So address the symptoms of stress sooner you’ll get back into the work sooner.

Go outside to get away from whatever assignment it is that’s bugging you. It’ll be a nice change to go outside just for no reason compared to only being outside because you are walking between classes.

Remember to take breaks when studying. The most effective type of studying is to study in spurts with a break in-between each spurt. Also try switching up your study location every few days or hours. Changing the scenery of where you are studying helps because you won’t get you as tired or bogged down compared to when you were just sitting in the same place.

Also, get a tutor if you have any troubles with anything. Even if you don’t think you need a tutor and you think you can get all of the answers from your friends about anything you don’t understand. Tutors will know what you need to know.

One better than a tutor is asking the professor to help you out with whatever you may need help with. They are a resource for you! Having them see you coming in asking for more help will score you a few extra brownie points on the final.

We’re close to the end! If I had to chose one piece of advice to give anyone to help them through the semester it would be: Stop pulling all-nighters! Sleep is great! Go get some sleep! You may think that you have to get everything done, but being mentally sane is priceless. Put yourself first. Everything will get done, just take your time.

Now those are just some tips to help you through the last bit of semester. If none of these tips help you, try this last bit out. It’s a crazy idea and may sound more stressful then you think but just write a haiku. The structure of a haiku is three lines: the first line is five syllables, second line is seven, and the last is three. You may think writing a haiku will cause you more stress than relaxed, but it’s a good way to just refresh and reboot your brain. Try it out. Best of luck studying!

Want more advice?

Tru visiting these sites: MyWebroom and Buzzfeed


November 8, 2015

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