
Time for Spring Cleaning

springcleanBy Natalie Waller– Spring is coming. Time to open up the windows, let the light in, and clean up from the long dark winter.

Spring-cleaning is something many people do each year. This year is no different, but take a new look at it. Start spring-cleaning your life. Here are three easy steps to cleaning up your life and becoming stress free and ready for the bright days ahead.

First, clear your schedule. Try to get all your events you have already committed to done, and then leave some time to relax or pick up a new hobby. People feel like they need to always say, “Yes, I can be there,” or “Sure, I would love to come.” Do you really have time for that? Brittany Bortvit admitted, “I always feel bad saying no to someone, even though I know I might not have time to get everything done.” Like Brittany, most people want to feel wanted and important, but try to take some time for you and enjoy some peace.

Second, delete those old emails, Facebook friends, or people you follow on Twitter. Lexi Busch said, “My inbox is so unorganized. I need to get rid of my old emails so I can feel like I have a handle of my life.” Clearing out the old emails will make you feel like you have accomplished tasks in the past and are ready for what is going to come your way next. Deleting some people, especially negative people, will allow you to have a great outlook on life and be happy with the people you interact with.

Third, keep your eyes on the bigger picture and focus on yourself. A person should always have goals. Each day you need think about what is yet to come and how today will affect you in the long run. Always working toward a goal will help you stay focused and be more likely to achieve that goal. If little daily things come in your way it can stop you from doing the things that must get done to be successful. This spring put yourself first and do what you need to do to be the best you can be.

Spring cleaning your life is a great idea for this year. Take time to work on yourself and make it easy for you to succeed. The steps above are easy but sometimes over looked in the crazy thing we call life.

March 19, 2014

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