Another great homecoming

Another great homecoming

By Paige Potter
Photos by Amber Burg– 
Monday, October 8, kicked off homecoming week for Morningside students.

On Monday night at 8:00 P.M. almost 60 students filled Yockey for the game show “Think Fast.”  After each question, the contestants were given a certain number of seconds to answer a question. The quicker the contestant could answer the question and it was correct, the more points they received. If the contestant answered it correct right away, they could receive up to 1000 points.

Different questions such as movie, video, and rapid fire made up the game show.  The game show was broken up into three sections. At the end of the first round, the top four contestants went to play for a spot in the final round for a chance to win the big prize at the end.  The winner of round one was Oswaldo Sanchez.

Round two was played the same way and the winner was Josh Porcher. On the final round, whichever of the contestants could answer 10 questions first won $200.  Sophomore and winner of round one, Oswaldo Sanchez walked away with $200 Monday night.

On Wednesday night at 7:00 P.M., the Morningside cheerleaders hosted the annual Mr. and Mrs. Morningside.  Six participants were in the running for this year’s title.  Running for Mr. Morningside were Katie Schiltz, Cassie Burnside, and Sam Brigham.  Running for Mrs. Morningside was Jay Welp, Brendan Pinto, and Erik Chavaria.

After experiencing the entertainment for the night, freshman Allison Schreiner said, “I thought it was hilarious.  I didn’t know what to expect. It was fun to see the guys dress up in dresses. I liked the guys’ catwalk the best.”

Each participant had to participate in three categories: the catwalk, a talent, and an interview question. After all the contestants took part in categories and the judges had voted the winners were announced. The 2012 Mr. and Mrs. Morningside were Katie Schiltz and Erik Chavaria.

Thursday night was coronation and the talent show that started at 8:00 P.M. in Eppley Auditorium.  The 2012 Royal Court consisted of freshman Paul Johnson and Cydney Granger, sophomores Drew Paulsen and Nicole Sturdevant, juniors Anvil Sinsabaugh and Kayla Frey, seniors Mary Horton, Jake Parker, Kathleen Arnts, and Michael Oetken.  The faculty king and queen were David Elder and Rachel Robson.  The student body homecoming king and queen were Adam Sullivan and Cora Kugler.

After coronation was over, the talent show began. 13 individuals or groups participated in the show.  With five judges votes, the Morningside co-ed dance team came in third, the cloggers were 2nd, and Michael Oetken (photo) took home the gold singing “Chariot” by Gavin DeGraw.

Freshman, Jessie Hamman said, “I had never been to a talent show.  This was a fun first opportunity.  All the types of talent were what I was impressed with the most. I liked the co-ed dance the best.”

The week was wrapped up with a huge win of 63 to 7 by the football team when they played Dakota Wesleyan Saturday afternoon, followed by the traditional “Taste of Morningside” alumni celebration on the West-end of the Olsen Stadium.


October 14, 2012