by Diego Teixeira Setton–It is no secret that studying can take a huge toll on students, both mentally and physically. Morningside students are constantly receiving emails about mental wellness and how to avoid stress, but sometimes, it’s not enough, and said stress and frustration build up to where you find yourself in an unfavorable position.

Morningside is also not a very big campus, and seeing the same faces can become a problem eventually. This is where studying abroad comes in.
Besides just overall being a great experience, studying in another country for a semester allows us to meet new people and offers a much-needed change of scenery. You can move away from your day-to-day routine while still progressing in your degree. It might be just the breath of fresh air someone needs.
Morningside offers a variety of options for students wanting to go abroad, with possibilities all over the world. Students can sign up for a semester or year long experience, with the admissions process normally starting right at the beginning of the fall semester. It is important to keep an eye out for deadlines.
Although expensive, scholarships can be offered and if truly committed, students should be able to be accepted as long as they meet the requirements and have a legitimate reason for going besides just wanting to travel.
More information can be found at the Morningside MySide website.
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