By Payton Miller- Saturday was a night of gambling and fun, all thanks to Morningside Activities Council.
Students from around campus flooded to the Yockey Room this past Saturday to partake in a night of free gambling all put on by Morningside’s own activity counsel and each table was full to the brim.
The overhead lights were dimmed but students were greeted with the bright lights provided by the tables themselves. Poker chips were given to each student to start out the night, and by the end they could trade their winnings for raffle tickets for a chance chance to win a variety of prizes including a movie night basket, a basket full of energy drinks, and merchandise from the campus bookstore.
“I was pleasantly surprised by the set up and I had a great time playing blackjack with all my friends,” said sophomore Marcalah Woodard.
The night was put together by one of the many student groups on campus to bring students together. MAC strives to “provide quality and creative events for students that are meaningful and creative.” The group puts on events throughout the school year to make living on campus a bit more exciting.
The group strives to throw several events throughout the year including, but not limited to, hypnotists, comedians, live bands, lip sync battles, movies and much more.
“The events that this group throws are great for incoming freshman to meet new people, I remember my first year here I knew no one, I came from twelve hours away and I was essentially making a whole new friend group,” sophomore Natalie Hunt said of the Mac events.
Keeping up the momentum from this weekend’s event, this Thursday from 7-9 pm, Mac is hosting a Rollerama event for students to come “roll away the stress.”
MAC meets every Monday in the student government office located in the Olsen Student Center and is always looking for new members for students who are interested in getting involved on campus. MAC is only student group of many that Morningside has to offer
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