Student Jobs on Campus

Student Jobs on Campus

By: Ashley Duncan

As a fulltime college student, it can sometimes be hard to find jobs outside of everything going on. A solution that Morningside offers for some students is a chance to do jobs on campus. 

Most colleges and universities do offer work study jobs, but Morningside finds it quite important. Madison Wright, the head of the work study program, said, “It is an important program as most students come from out of state and need a job in order to have a monthly income.”  

For a student to be able to be considered for work study, they must have ‘need’ when it comes to financial assistance. “’Need’ is calculated based on the FAFSA EFC. We have a calculation that determines whether a student is eligible or not,” said Wright. 

A work study position also helps student choose their future career and strengthen their resumés. An example Wright said, “A student that wants to go into criminal justice could work for our campus security department.” Work study positions can lead students to future employment, internships, or guide them further on where they want to go in life. 

Some of the work study positions offered are at: the bookstore, the post office, the resident life office, maintenance, campus security, front desk in dorms, and so much more. 

This year, there are 56 on campus work studies and eight off campus positions. Every year the number varies for where work is needed. 

November 9, 2021

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