A Year in the Pandemic

A Year in the Pandemic

by Ashley Duncan-It has been a little over a year since COVID-19 began affecting the lives of people in the United States. On Jan. 21, 2020, the CDC reported its first case of COVID-19 in the state of Washington. Since then, people have been living in and out of quarantine, constantly wearing masks, and having to socially distance themselves from others.  

COVID-19 has especially affected the lives of Morningside’s students and faculty. From being moved all online in the spring of 2020 to a mix of in-person and hybrid classes due to Morningside guidelines. There is a consensus among students and faculty that they miss being social like they were before COVID-19 hit. A few students said they miss being able to go to concerts and hug their grandparents. 

People are still trying to find ways to continue their lives even with CDC restrictions. Branden Boesch, a humanities professor, said, “We are excited to spend time with family without masks. Our seven-month old, who was born in July, often gets very scared of grandparents wearing masks—which is sad.” 

Students can still be seen attending activities put on by Morningside Activities Council (MAC) but making sure to wear masks and socially distance. Senior Andi Hays said, “I believe it is about finding the balance between still living, but also being as safe as one can be and following CDC guidelines.” 

Socially distancing can be hard for some students, especially when classes have to be online or half online. Not being physically present can make it hard for students because they have more distractions around them. “I don’t like being on zoom. I don’t pay as much attention and don’t learn as much as in an in-person class” said sophomore Emily Rotthaler.

Sophomore Chloe Pieper agreed COVID-19 has made her college experience difficult. “There were a lot of times that I had to quarantine and I didn’t understand fully what that was like,” said Pieper. 

Morningside students and faculty have had to deal with a lot of changes due to COVID-19. Even though it has been very difficult with the constant change of classes, students try to find the balance for social aspects and professors try to find the balance for students and their classes. Just like everybody else amongst this pandemic, people find ways to coexist. 

March 3, 2021

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