by Iandra Estupinian– It’s Thursday morning and you’re trying your best to pay attention to the professor, but your eyes search for the time on your laptop- it’s 11:30 am. Lunchtime.
You turn back to look at the professor and the board but now all you’re thinking about is that Thursdays are Chicken Wrap Day. Sounds good, right?
Unfortunately, your class schedule doesn’t allow you to stop at the ‘caf and sit down to eat. You’re going to have to forgo lunch and miss Chicken Wrap Day once more.
Luckily for Morningside students, Sodexo has created the “To-Go” Containers meal program that gives students a hot meal alternative.
“The program offers flexibility and convenience to students,” said Sodexo General Manager, Casey Benton. “If students know they are going to miss a meal due to -XYZ reasons, they can complete the process for the containers and go from there.”
Previously, students didn’t have the option to take hot foods from the cafeteria and had to use the “Grab n’ Go” meal program, where students would fill a paper bag with cold foods such as sandwiches, chips, and a soda or water.
With the new meal program, students have the opportunity to fill the container with hot foods from the cafeteria and receive a water bottle and a utensil package.
“Sometimes finding a place to sit in the cafeteria can be challenging so I have been doing some strategic thinking around this issue and I hope everyone sees the value in this new process,” said Benton.
Anna Van Dusen, the chair of Student Government’s Food Committee, and works with Benton to improve the campus food options, said “So far I have heard that many people like the idea of the containers and they really benefit students who have a tight schedule but want a lunch other than a sandwich.”
To use the “To-Go” Container meal program, students must have their Morningside ID with flex points for a $5 deposit to get the container. When entering the dining hall, the student must ask the front cashier for the container and they will swipe your card for the deposit. Then, students are free to fill the container with as much food as they can, as long as the lid will close.
Students who choose to use the containers have two options when returning to the cafeteria: they can either rinse the container and return it to the cafeteria for a brand new one or return the rinsed container and ask for their deposit back. That’s it!
The “To-Go” Container program will be offered until the end of the semester and will continue based on feedback from students, faculty, and the community.
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