by Abby Koch–Since walking onto the Morningside campus, senior Jonathan Covert has been hands on with anything dealing with radio sports broadcasting. From working control room in the Morningside radio station to now a big role as a play by play announcer, Covert has become a familiar voice for Mustang football broadcasts.
Before doing play by play for Morningside, Covert was inspired by professional sports broadcasters to head towards the profession. “I would say really what got me interested was the Bears playoff run in 2006 and then especially the Blue Jays playoff run in 2015, just listening to how people were able to describe the game,” said Covert.
This inspiration would lead Covert to take as many broadcasting classes he could take in high school. The classes allowed Covert to be hands on with a variety equipment and gain experience.

Hands on experience was a quality that Covert wanted in college. Covert was able to find this quality with the Morningside Mass Communication Department. “You get to jump in freshman year,” said Covert about why he chose Morningside “You’re able to see a little bit of everything.”
All of the experience that Covert has gained allowed him to be play by play announcer for football this season. “I’ve had to wait my time to get here, where I’m officially switching off with Steven [Cutler],” said Covert “It’s exciting for me just because I’ve had the wait the two years to get here and especially with the title game that’s coming up.”
Covert’s home game coverage has allowed him to call highlight moments. A top game for him was covering the playoff game against Grand View University due to the intensity.
Doing play by play has allowed Covert to travel to Louisiana to cover the championship game. “Not everybody gets to cover this. This isn’t something that everybody in their professional career gets to cover and for me being a senior here to cover this game is just simply amazing,” said Covert.
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