The Scavanger Hunt

I spoke with Sheri Benson who works at the front desk of the advising centre. I initially introduced myself and claimed I was from a journalism class and wanted to ask for a signed post-it note. I then spoke with Alexander Milligan in the science centre about his biggest pet peeve.

I explained myself to Sheri (that this was for a class) and asked if she would be kind enough to hand me a signed post-it note as I saw some on her desk. She was vert happy to do so and the whole process was very easy. We had a small chat about the class and I explained how this was an activity to talk to people and become more comfotable doing so.

Post-it note

I then went and spoke with Alexander about his biggest pet peeve. His answer was very quick and precise which he said “misspelled words,” were his biggest pet peeves. I then continued to ask him why this was the case. He responded that it probably is due to “incorrect spellings on advertisement,” which he simply couldn’t understand. He was very passionate about not understanding why companies would put out promotions or promotional campaigns that carry obvious errors. He continued to add that he had identified a spelling error on the MySide page “just this morning”.


  1. fuglsang says

    I’m with Alexander. I don’t like misspelled words either. Be on the lookout for full qquotes in addition to partial quotes. Also, now that we have done a bit with description, use that when you have opportunities.