Letter From the Editors // Kassidy Hart & Grace Russmann
A Day in My Dreams // Marisa Natoli & Watchful // Madeline Keating
Laughing in Color // Anna Uehling & The Wolf // Lex Wurth
Reminder // Riley Slechta & Needles Highway // Abby Hauser
Mountain’s Teardrop // Faustino Barroso & In a Different Room // Evelyn Williams
Churchgoers // Joshua Miller & Reflective Still Life // Calissa Hanson
Two Faces // Megan Kyhl & The Weeknd // Caleb Roggenbuck
Mom // Evelyn Williams & Geraldine // Lex Wurth
Aorta // Madissen Stevens & The Perspective of the Beholder // Faith Laskie
Freckled Girl // Lauren Hedlund & Aphrodite // Riley Slechta
Earth Song // Marisa Natoli & Duckies // Anna Uehling