Category Archives: Uncategorized

News Comment 10

Hurricane Nicole forecast to form, strike Florida late tonight

This news comment had a good leading photo to grab my attention right away along with a bold statement that instantly made me wanting to read more. This author does a very good job explaining how big this hurricane is going to be compared to the past hurricane Ian. The author uses some pretty cool words to formulate the idea on exactly how this hurricane is going to impact and exactly where it will be. The author even included a map of where this hurricane is going to strike and form. Overall this article was very informative of where this hurricane is going to take place and how dangerous this is going to be of a hurricane.

News Comment 10

21 bodies found at South African mine near site of recent gang rape

This author did a very good job at filling me in on what has happened in South Africa recently. Cause obviously how am I supposed to know what’s going on in south africa when im nowhere near it. The author does a very good job at not only filling me in but making me take her side right away because she opens with “The gruesome find comes just a few months after a brutal gang rape in the same area shocked the nation.” So instantly Im like oh these people are bad and they just found it. She started with a great lead that instantly made me want to read and made me want to go find these people and put them to justice.

Overall this was a great story and it was very insightful and it makes you think on how bad other countries have it and we have no idea because were living in the comfort of our homes and away from the real world.

Police Arrest Illegal Miners In Krugersdorp In South Africa

Stuart Scott Speech

Stuart Scott was a ESPN Sports broadcaster who was fighting cancer and in his words “I will never give up because of my two baby girls” Although he was fighting cancer he refused to let it beat him and he will never stop fighting.

Stuart gave a speech for the v foundation in front of a lot of people. When I say a lot of people I mean it that Nokia theatre was full of the most famous athletes, broadcasters, and just everyone. His dimenere was so cool calm and collected, he was so confident when giving his speech like he wasn’t even scared if the cancer inside of him. He openly talked about tubes and wires going through his body and showed no fear of it he took it with a full head of steam pretty much making the cancer his b word. He kept on stating through the speech that “Im not loosing, im still here fighting” thus showing he will never give up and will fight until he dies.

Now he said one thing in this speech that doesn’t only correlate to cancer but was used to talk about his cancer that a lot of us should grasp hold of in life he said, ” You don’t lose to cancer if you die you lose to cancer if it makes you stop living life, you beat cancer by living your life to the fullest” this quote hit deep and stuck something inside of me because this guy is fighting cancer, being a dad still going to work and still being a loving boyfriend without letting this inconvenience of cancer screw up his life. This man is going to fight and keep on fighting until the day he dies.

Now Stuart Scott won the perseverance award at the espies and I think this was so fitting as Stuart Scott will continue to persevere in life and never give up because he has his 2 daughters which he says are his heartbeat, “My two baby girls are the sole reason I am here tonight” Stuart does everything he does in life for his girls and yes he might embarrass them but they are his everything. At the end of the his speech he was talking about how he called his family just to cry and that we need to do that in order to keep fighting. He said, ” the fighting journey is not a solo act it requires a team of people and a lot of love”. Just to show how he needs love to persevere he called his daughter to the stage and said “Sydni, come up here and give dad a hug, because I need one.” Showing that he is not afraid to show that he has emotions and is not in this alone. No one is ever alone.

Stuart Scott - Wikipedia

Media Comparison

Kanye West escorted out of Skechers offices in LA after ‘unauthorized’ visit, company says:

Basically, Kanye West is very whacked out in the head and he will do anything he feels like doing I mean c’mon the guy walked up on the stage during Taylor Swifts award speech as she was accepting the award and just blurted stuff out and took the microphone the dud just does not care. As of recent Kanye has lost all of his shoe deals and his clothing deals because he is so unpredictable. This news article does a very good job at presenting the problem and what happened while Good Morning America put the emotional twist on it almost making you take a side. There is a pretty big difference when reading news and watching as not only is watching it just more insightful and more interesting but it also gives you a perspective from other people instead of reading the news and taking a perspective that others might not have.

News Comment 7

Residents injured trying to save dog during Gordon Drive fire:

At 4:18 on Sunday, Sioux City Fire Rescue responded to a fire that had fully engulfed a porch. Two residents outside the home told officials that there was still a dog inside. Although this story just literally happened today this newscast team did a very good job at covering it fast and letting everybody know what happened. I walked out of practice today and everything was all smoky and I thought that people were just putting out their field fires, turns out that was not the case and in fact it was somebody’s house being engulfed on fire. This newscast team did a very good job at telling me how the fire happened and everything that they know up to date right now and it just happened tonight! This is really cool and it just really shows how fast these news teams get on this stuff right away. This really made me want to read the news because not only was it near us here, but the title alone made me want to read all of it because two people went inside to try and save a puppy and ended up getting injured. That is something that I would probably do as well so instantly I wanted to read. 

Sensory Writing

After eating my carrot that I was given it felt like a rough slimy stick when I was picking it up. After I took a bite of it all I heard was the crunch as I bit down and then it tasted kind of like more better tasting dirt. A carrot is the weirdest thing because if you eat enough of them they start tasting good.

After the carrot I ate a banana twinkie it tasted like a Twinkie but with a hint of a banana after taste. When I got the Twinkie it was very squishy and kind of fun to play with because of how squishy it was. It felt almost like felt kind of like a spongey carpet. I personally do not like Twinkies but the banana one was a bit better than the regular.

Story 2 Final

Concussions in the NFL

Over the past years football has had an increase of awareness of the concussions within the sport. Researchers and doctors are finally diving deeper in how bad these really can be and what they have found may just make you not want to play football.

In every sport around the world there is always a risk of injury but football is obviously one of the most injury prone as all that the sport is contact and someone can get it or be the hitter. After an interview that I had with my own dad Steve Neubert, who had played for The Jets for three years and has played football basically his entire life he gave me some insight on how injuries play a big role in the sport of football. I asked him how his injuries affected his day to day lives now and Neubert said, “Well yes playing in the NFL was my dream since I was a kid…but now that I have a kid of my own I always want to play sports with him and yes I still can but not without Advil and a long time of stretching- I did however develop ticks because of football”  now my dad is probably the biggest man I have seen and the most athletic man I’ve seen throughout my entire life and yes he can still do everything with me but I catch him every now and then with his ticks and sometimes taking a little bit longer to get out of bed in the morning. He also has a lot of back problems and stuff but that is normal for all what he has done. 

The most recent uproar to have Brought a lot of attention to the subject at hand was Miami Dolphins own Tua Tagovailoa being told he needs to retire because he cannot take any more blows to the head, he was told after a Thursday night game against the Cincinnati Bengal’s that he should retire this was told by, Dr Bennet Omalu. So, knowing this I went to my doctor to ask more about concussions Dr Mino stated, “Concussion obviously can be very minor to very major and multiple concussions are very very bad… I would caution all people that want to play football to seriously take precaution before as it could seriously be a threat to your head” Obviously Dr. Mino was not going to tell people to just straight up not play football but I could just hear it in his voice when I was talking to him, he is very cautious because it could seriously injure your head. When we were talking, he said he used to play football in high school and got 3 concussions and decided to not play it any further because, “Football is not more important than life for my future kids” Mino said. 

Now, I’m not telling people to just stop playing football because there is risk of injury. I played basketball, baseball, and football all through my life and yes, I have gotten hurt it just comes along with sports. But I am trying to inform you to be more cautious when it comes to football, if you get a concussion or get hurt it is okay to sit out for as long as the doctor says. Don’t try to get cleared sooner just because you want to play, make sure your 100% good to go before trying to play again because if you’re not you will get hurt more. 

News comment 6

These 3 factors proved critical – and deadly – in Florida’s preparation for Hurricane Ian

The author of this news article Patrick Colson- Price provided a very good lead to draw me into reading his article before all others because right away he stated exactly how hurricane Ian affected everybody and what were the top three ways that it affected so then it made me want to read right away about the three ways on why this hurricane was so distrustful compared to other ones that have happened in the past it made me want to read because of the simple fact that I do not live near water I live in Colorado and at the moment I live in Iowa so I was very intrigued on reading this because I was able to see both sides and I was able to see the perspectives of both sides and how everybody was affected. 

The author also does a very good job at keeping steady on the topic at hand and not straying from it or giving his own views and opinions. He simply just states the facts and why this hurricane was so darn destructive and he even gave photos of everything that was destroyed.

In pictures: Hurricane Ian batters Florida | All media content | DW |  29.09.2022

An Interview With Andrew Nelson

On Tuesday October 4th, 2022, I got the pleasure of talking to the Director of Morningside’s campus ministry Andrew Nelson.  When the first question was asked of what is your job in your words? His response was, “I tend to the spiritual life of campus students and… help the students with any faith and help connect to something bigger than you.” Even though Andrew is an expert in Christianity he will help student get connected with any faith that they have just to try and help them grow with any faith they may have. Andrew followed his wife to Sioux City when she got a job at Morningside University to teach, Andrew than applied to be the director of campus ministry and got the job here at Morningside. Andy was asked if he always wanted to be pastor his whole life and he was almost more puzzled than I was his response was, “Well, growing up my family was big in the church and when the first time someone asked me about it that’s what sparked my interest to becoming a pastor.” So, it sounds like that was almost just awoken inside of Andy after his first question. Andrew than took his faith into college where he studied religion and political science. Nelson now has 4 kids of his own and “he doesn’t really have time for hobbies now” but when he can get time he loves to fish, take the kids to soccer practice, doing dishes and loves to go deer hunting with his dad. Andrew grew up in a very little town called Red Wing, Minnesota and has always seemed to remain in the Midwest other than taking mission trips. So, he has always been used to smaller groups which is why Morningside is such a good college to him. Andy said that he loves the accomplishment feeling that he used to get working on houses seeing it go from bad to looking really good so, I asked him if he gets that feeling being in campus ministry to which he replied, “Sometimes I get that feeling yes. But more times than not it’s like planting a seed, you see it grow after some session but other session see it recede or even disappear.”

News Comment #5

After slamming Florida, Hurricane Ian barrels into South Carolina

The author did a very good job at giving insightful information about the hurricane and how the hurricane is moving and how powerful it’s going to remain. The author also is very good at wording the hurricane pretty much making it “dumber” so the public can understand the information and take into action. The author also included quotes from people that have been affected by the hurricane which is pretty cool so it can show the public like us, how bad it truly is because we are not affected by hurricane IAN. ““What I saw is just heart-breaking, and all the friends I lost and everybody else — the stories are horrific. It’s a nightmare. This island is destroyed,” Behen said.” This quote seriously made me realize how bad the hurricane truly is and I am so glad the author included this because it really made me realize what people around that area are truly going through. In all, the story was very well written and it was very insightful on this situation going on in our world.

A US Coast Guard helicopter is seen amid stranded shrimp boats in a marina in Fort Myers Beach, Florida on Friday.