Classmate Anecdote


Ben Steffens is a self-employed ambitious man who created his own successful business and has 2 more businesses on the way. Ben grew up in a hard financially stable life and in his words, he said, “want to build a future that is not only secure for myself but for my family and my kids”. Coming from a hard-working family who had to work for everything they got he has a very strong work ethic like his mother and father. His mother had her own business as a cleaning lady so that is where he gets his sense of wanting his own business, and his dad is an electrician and knows what a hard day of work looks like. When trying to decide what to do for college in his money situation his dad got him into gutter cleaning, “my dad actually got me into gutter cleaning because a lot of his buddies we’re constantly complaining about how they need their gutter to be cleaned and they need to hire someone so I thought to myself what better way to do it than me”. Ben cleaned his friend’s gutters and then decided that he was very good at it and now owns his own business that is very successful. One of his core values of his business is the fact that as he’s cleaning the gutters, he throws everything in the trash and doesn’t just blow the leaves out onto the floor and let nature do the work. I asked Ben if he has ever had any close calls as he is constantly on people’s roofs and all houses have different roofs. He had a close call while trying to shimmy out of the window from the second story roof and because it was so steep, he fell and the gutter actually caught him. Not only is this job pretty dangerous but now Ben it’s going to start two other businesses after this one so yes, I would say Ben Steffens is very ambitious

One thought on “Classmate Anecdote

  1. fuglsang

    There is an anecdote at the heart of this. There’s a lot of added stuff, though,
    that could be cut. It’s fine to collect a lot of good info, but when you’re
    writing make some decisions about what to leave out. I realize that may seem
    exactly opposite of what told you in class, but it’s not. You want ALL the
    necessary details. That means asking lots of questions. Even if some of them
    don’t pay off, it’s best to have the information, just in case.

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