Stuart Scott Speech

Stuart Scott was a ESPN Sports broadcaster who was fighting cancer and in his words “I will never give up because of my two baby girls” Although he was fighting cancer he refused to let it beat him and he will never stop fighting.

Stuart gave a speech for the v foundation in front of a lot of people. When I say a lot of people I mean it that Nokia theatre was full of the most famous athletes, broadcasters, and just everyone. His dimenere was so cool calm and collected, he was so confident when giving his speech like he wasn’t even scared if the cancer inside of him. He openly talked about tubes and wires going through his body and showed no fear of it he took it with a full head of steam pretty much making the cancer his b word. He kept on stating through the speech that “Im not loosing, im still here fighting” thus showing he will never give up and will fight until he dies.

Now he said one thing in this speech that doesn’t only correlate to cancer but was used to talk about his cancer that a lot of us should grasp hold of in life he said, ” You don’t lose to cancer if you die you lose to cancer if it makes you stop living life, you beat cancer by living your life to the fullest” this quote hit deep and stuck something inside of me because this guy is fighting cancer, being a dad still going to work and still being a loving boyfriend without letting this inconvenience of cancer screw up his life. This man is going to fight and keep on fighting until the day he dies.

Now Stuart Scott won the perseverance award at the espies and I think this was so fitting as Stuart Scott will continue to persevere in life and never give up because he has his 2 daughters which he says are his heartbeat, “My two baby girls are the sole reason I am here tonight” Stuart does everything he does in life for his girls and yes he might embarrass them but they are his everything. At the end of the his speech he was talking about how he called his family just to cry and that we need to do that in order to keep fighting. He said, ” the fighting journey is not a solo act it requires a team of people and a lot of love”. Just to show how he needs love to persevere he called his daughter to the stage and said “Sydni, come up here and give dad a hug, because I need one.” Showing that he is not afraid to show that he has emotions and is not in this alone. No one is ever alone.

Stuart Scott - Wikipedia

One thought on “Stuart Scott Speech

  1. fuglsang

    There is potential for a lead in that first graf: “Although he is fighting cancer, ESPN broadcaster Stuart Scott ‘will never give up because of my two baby girls.’ He refused to let it beat him and he will never stop fighting.”

    It’s a bit much, but it’s a reasonable summary of the speech.

    The second graf is you telling me what to think. You’re not wrong, but you will be more effective if you provide the necessary facts that allow readers to come to their own conclusions.

    “… this quote hit deep and stuck something inside me …” Why do you need to be a character in everything you write?

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