Mountain Girl in a Midwest Cornfield

Category: Excercises (Page 3 of 3)

News Comment #7/Broadcast Comparison

CNN Video Broadcast: The lead says “literally within the last 90 seconds the National Hurricane Center hoisting hurricane watches” makes the video grasp people’s attention by making it current. The pictures and video within the broadcast or simply showing the path of the potential Gulf Coast storm Nate. They aren’t incredibly unnerving or eye-catching, but they are informative. The reporter keeps using terms like “life-threatening,” “breaking,” and “at the very least” which seems to be subjective. He is telling the storm to entertain while informing them.


NBC Written Story: The lead for this piece says “Tropical Storm Nate is winding up to wallop the Gulf coast this weekend,” which creates almost the same urgency that the video broadcast’s lead does. Within this story, the reporters talk about the rains, while in the video the reporter talked about the winds. This is not the same content but is about the same storm. This story also places emphasis on the states of emergency other than the potential threat the storm is making to the Gulf Coast. This source also uses many quotes that are each attributed to their sources, where the video only used the National Hurricane Center as source and attribute. Though this piece used more quotes, each source attributed their sources within their stories.

Observation Exercise

HJF Learning Center at Morningside College is frequented by students for many different reasons. Some come to study, others come to game, and more come to hang out with friends. In the back of the library is a study area that is relatively disconnected from the rest.

Maroonish couches with white detailing and chairs are arranged in a circle with medium brown stained wood tables. To the left and the right of this circle are individual study desks, light brown stain in color. Each chair matches the color of the desks with straight backs and thin, red cushions that are rough to the touch.

On the back wall, directly behind the circles, are two four-person tables of the same wood as the individual desks. The chairs are also similar, though half are missing their fabric cushions.

There was a boy sitting in one of these tables, alone. He seemed tall because his legs were a bit compressed under the table. He had curly, brown hair that reached the nape of his neck. Covering that was a black and grey ballcap.

He wore a bright red shirt with grey shorts of a flowing, thicker material. His shorts came down to just below mid-thigh, ending right above the knee. He was wearing Dockers with white socks that came up about mid-calf. He had hair covering both his shins.

His shoes were only half on, the back bent into the interior of the shoe as if he always walked with them half on. He was staring intently at his phone, though he had a MacBook open. He had a red Gatorade to his left along with a blue folder.

He had three of four papers spread in front of him and a pen next to his left arm, but he didn’t seem to be working. He occasionally smiled or laughed (a brusk tone) otherwise his face was neutral.

Loungin on the red and white couch was a girl. Her front was not in line-of-sight but she had on a bright white pullover jacket. She had dark, straight brunette hair that reached the middle of her back.

She was originally laying on the couch where only her head was visible, but a second girl approached and sat in a chair diagonally from her, causing her to sit up straight.

She had dirty blonde hair that was pulled into a high ponytail. It reached her mid-shoulder blades. She was wearing a white headband the same color as the first girl’s pullover. She was wearing a maroon Morningside Mustangs sweatshirt. Her legs were unviewable.

This second girl was drinking a drink purchased from the Spoonholder. After her entrance, the girls began discussing together quietly, and the second girl said: “oh same, she emailed you?”

During their conversation, a second boy came in and occupied one of the individual desks. He was wearing grey joggers that ended right before his ankle and white socks. He had on tan moccasins.

He was also wearing a white and grey Morningside Mustangs t-shirt and had a grey cap on backward over his dark, brunette hair.

In front of the first buy was a whiteboard with someone’s twitter handle written in blue ink. Beside that was a cartoon looking dog. Throughout the entire space, some machine in the ceiling made a rattling noise. Conversations were difficult to hear because of this.

Strawberry Sensory Details

He is a Caucasian male that has dark colored brunette hair that forms a spiral in the back of his head and golden-brown eyes. We had been walking from the Caf to class and were talking about how many steps I have to take to his one. He is 5-foot-9-inches and has long legs. He asked to borrow my headphones, I lent them to him, and then he kissed me on the cheek and said “have the most wonderful day” and went to study. He wasn’t wearing any cologne this morning, but he was working on a computer science project and was coding. He planned to continue working on the project in the library. He has a sullen expression a lot of the time unless something makes him excited where he will them smile largely.


A strawberry is a well-known fruit and is eaten often in many places. A strawberry smells very sweet with a hint of tartness, very fresh as if it was just picked off the vine, and fruity. The outside is a deep, dark red dotted by black seeds. Where the seeds have been brushed off by hands or from shipment there are open, vacant spots of a lightish brown color. The interior fades from the inside edge of the exterior red to a light pink. There is a white ring about halfway into the interior that bleeds into the surrounding pink. The core of the strawberry is the same pink that covers the interior on the outside of the white ring. The shape of the entirety is similar to that of a heart drawn by a child, where the bottom forms a rounded point and the top sinks in the middle. The shape is not defined by sharp lines, but rather by rounded, fluid ones. The strawberry is cold to the touch, for both the fingers/hand and the tongue. The outside is rough and bumpy from both the seeds and the absence of the seeds. The interior of the strawberry is smooth and wet to the touch. It is also cold to both the fingers and the tongue. The entire fruit is firm until squished. When squeezed hard enough the fruit becomes mushy. While being squeezed it makes a fluid-like sound similar to water. When bit, the strawberry makes a crunchy sound mostly from biting through the softer exterior to the tougher interior. The first bite through is sweet but continued chewing creates a tarter flavoring. The taste lingers but is not overbearing. The top of the strawberry, where the top sinks in, is where the tartest taste comes from, while the bottom more rounded part is where the sweetness originates. Altogether, the strawberry is a decadent fruit that is enjoyed by many people.

Morningside’s Students

Chelsea Hernandez, a Morningside College Junior and a Mass Communications Major, stated that she chose to attend Morningside mainly because she loved the small campus and the people. She moved to Sioux City, Iowa from Laguna Beach, California, a 1652.4 mile move, to pursue her college experience.  She graduated from El Toro High School before her great move across the country.


Unlike many of the other students at Morningside, Hernandez is not involved with a sports team on campus, but is pursuing a career in Public Relations. Being so far from home, and no where near the coast, there are very limited opportunities for her to participate in one of her favorite summertime activities: surfing. Her family lives along the coast in California, and along with surfing, she enjoys taking roadtrips up and down the coast of her home state with her brother and cousins. She also enjoys working with her dad at his Photo Booth business during the summer when she is back home.


It seems that Hernandez has plenty of travel under her belt, and when asked what her favorite place that she has visited so far is she answered Mazatlan, Mexico. There, in 2014, she was able to go zip-lining through the jungle. Though she is afraid of heights, Hernandez stated that the activity itself did not make her afraid and the idea of soaring through the air towards the ground made all the difference.


Hernandez is just one of the many students on Morningside’s campus that is bringing life and new culture to the student body.


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