Final Profile- December 5

December 5th, 2018

Born in Tennessee Farris has been swimming. Since he was nine, his only regret not starting swimming sooner. Farris has had a treasured career when he broke the Wisconsin state record in the 50, and was the first man to break 21 seconds in the process. Farris was also able to swim at the collegiate level. Farris had a very successful time while at Iowa, Farris was able to be successful in both personal events and team events. During his years Iowa, he had several All-American honors (1981 in the 400-yard freestyle relay and 1982 in the 800-yard relay). Farris has been around successful teams, he has an individual Big Ten championship in the 100-yard freestyle. While at Iowa Farris was a team captain as well as swimming on to Big Ten Championship teams in 1981 and 1982. After Iowa Farris made the important decision to go back to school to get his education degree from The University of South Dakota. That decision would play big in Farris’s future.

Farris had been around in several locations as a Swim Coach before landing at Morningside on August 29, 2012. As we sit down for the interview, the pool is quiet behind the office of Head Morningside Swimming Coach Bryan Farris. The reason it is 8:15am, one of the few time during the day when Farris has free time. Farris has done something to help the athletes where he has made it so there are multiple practice times. Farris who is often up as early as 4:30 am as someone who has an internal alarm clock.

One big thing Farris talks about is how important it is for athletes to have fun and once their career is completed to stick with the sport in one way or another. Farris who has been involved in swimming in one way or another since he was nine is a great example of how you can do just that stay involved in the sport. The opportunity to coach the future of the sport is something that Farris cherishes. Farris has worked his way into the recruiting scene noting that the opportunity to coach at Morningside was something that was a once in a lifetime chance. He finds frustration when he cannot get all of the athletes he tries to recruit. Farris finds that he has an easy time selling the Morningside experience stating,” That Morningside does a great job of assisting students after they leave and are looking for a job.” Farris has been able to draw in some great recruits in the past.

Farris is a great member of the Morningside coaching staff, as he has had success with his teams. Suzanne Gonzalez was a National Champion last season, and even after losing her this season Farris was able to bring in a great transfer Grace Nordquist. The swim team head coach certainly has a recipe for success.

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